Chapter 4 - GPC Training Requirements

4-1. Mandatory Training

Mandatory training is divided into initial online training and formal training. Prior to assuming their duties, program personnel will complete the GPC training appropriate to their position. The training requirements for CHs and BOs trained at a previous duty station may be abbreviated or waived, in writing, as determined by the A/OPC. A/OPCs will retain copies of initial and refresher training certificates by uploading the certificates in PIEE.

a. Level 4 A/OPCs, in coordination with the appropriate subject matter experts, will provide in-person initial GPC training for all new BOs and CHs prior to using the GPC. Each Level 4 A/OPC is responsible for providing training to CHs and BOs utilizing the Army Master Training slides and GPC program location-specific slides. Training methods can be classroom, virtual or electronic.

b. Resource Managers should assist the A/OPC in developing or providing training on funding document maintenance, Anti-Deficiency Act, and the certification and payment process.

c. Small Business Specialists should assist the A/OPC in developing or providing training on FAR 19, Small Business procedures and achieving small business goals.

d. Hazardous Materials Management Process Team should assist the A/OPC in developing or providing training on the procurement, maintenance, and disposal of hazardous materials.

e. GPC training requirements are listed in Tables 4-1 and 4-2. Table 4-1 lists all mandatory training which must be completed prior to issuance of an appointment letter and/or establishment of a GPC account. Table 4-2 lists all recommended training as necessary to carry out GPC duties. Proof of training must be documented and retained by the A/OPC in PIEE/JAM. CHs, BOs, and A/OPCs are required to complete mandated initial and refresher training. U.S. Bank’s Access Online web-based training is optional. The initial in person GPC training provided by the Level 4 A/OPC will cover training on the use of U.S. Bank’s Access Online system (e.g., initiating and resolving disputes, reconciling and approving statements, certifying invoices, and uploading supporting documentation).

f. Refresher Training. As required in DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5, Paragraph 050304, appointed Certifying Officers must complete an approved Certifying Officer Legislation training course before their appointment and refresher training annually. All A/OPCs, BOs, and CHs must complete refresher training every two years. The local command may require refresher training more frequently to satisfy their training or operational needs. DPC GPC One-Pagers are “quick start guides” that address various GPC policies and systems. Several One-Pagers have been developed to address items related to SmartPay® 3 systems. See the GPC Training page for links.

g. By signing the appointment letter in JAM, CHs and BOs confirm that they have received the initial GPC program training and understand their roles and responsibilities and the penalties associated with misuse of the card.

h. All initial and refresher training certificates will be uploaded into PIEE/JAM. Attendance at the annual GSA SmartPay Conference is mandatory for all Level 3 and 4 A/OPCs, as funding permits. Attendance is mandatory for all Level 3 and 4 A/OPCs if the GSA SmartPay Conference is held virtually.

Table 4-1: Mandatory Training for A/OPCs, Billing Officials and Cardholders

Mandatory Training
Course Name Course Number Role Level Frequency

Course Offeror/


DoD Government-wide Commercial Purchase Card Overview CLG 0010 All




CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card

Certifying Officer Training for GPC Payments CLG 006 A/BOs Annual


CLG 006 Certifying Officer Legislation Training

Overview of

Acquisition Ethics

ACQ 0030 All Initial


ACQ 0030 Overview of Acquisition Ethics

Insights On Demand (IOD)

A/BO Case Management Course

Web-based Training within AXOL A/BOs Initial (not required prior to issuance of a managing account)

Available in

U.S. Bank

Access® Online web-based training

Insights on Demand (IOD)

A/OPC Case Management Modules

Web-based Training within AXOL A/OPCs Initial (not required prior to appointment)

Available in

U.S. Bank

Access® Online web-based training

Army Master Training/Local GPC Training In Person All



Army and Organization/Activity Slides
Simplified Acquisition Procedures CLC 005


A/BOs and CHs spending over the MPT



CLC 005 Simplified Acquisition Procedures

SOP Ordering Official Training UP TO $25,000


A/BOs and CHs spending over the MPT

Initial Command Specific

4-2. Recommended Training

CHs, BOs, and A/OPCs are encouraged to take additional training identified in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2: Recommended Training for A/OPCs, Billing Officials and Cardholders

Recommended Training
Course Name Course Number Role Level Frequency

Course Offeror/


GSA SmartPay Purchase Training for Program Coordinators A/OPC Training - Purchase A/OPCs Initial


GSA SmartPay Purchase Training for Program Coordinators (A/OPCs)

Certifying Officer Training for GPC Payments CLG 006 A/OPCs Initial


CLG 006 Certifying Officer Legislation Training

Contracting for the Rest of Us CLC 011 CHs/A/BOs (not in a Contracting Office) Initial


CLC 011 Contracting for the Rest of Us

DoD Sustainable Procurement Program CLC 046 All Initial


CLC 046 DoD Sustainable Procurement Program

DAU AbilityOne Training CLM 023 All Initial


CLM 023 DAU AbilityOne Training

Procurement Fraud Indicators CLM 049 All Initial


CLM 049 Procurement Fraud Indicators

Section 889: Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecom and Video Surveillance Services/Equipment FAC 889 All Initial


FAC 889 Section 889: Prohibition on Telecomm & Video Equip

Micro-purchases and Section 508 Requirements Online CHs Initial


Accessibility Training | Section508

GSA SmartPay Purchase Training for Account Holders and Approving Officials Purchase Card Training for Account Holders & A/BO CHs/A/BOs Initial


GSA SmartPay Online Training

4-3. Suspected Fraud or Abuse

a. All instances of suspected fraud or abuse must be reported. Various channels of reporting include the Chain of Command, the A/OPC, the command’s procurement fraud advisor (Staff/Command Judge Advocate), the servicing Criminal Investigation Division office, internal review organizations, and Inspector Generals at all levels.

b. The following may be indicators of possible fraud, waste, or abuse:

(1) Repetitive buys from the same merchant;

(2) Lack of documentation for a purchase;

(3) Failure to safeguard cards and account numbers;

(4) CHs/BO authorizing the use of their cards by others;

(5) Inadequate oversight by BOs and agencies;

(6) Payments made for items not received;

(7) Split purchases to avoid spending limitations;

(8) Lack of accounting for items requiring accountability;

(9) Payment delinquencies incurring interest penalties;

(10) Approval of a CH’s statement of account by someone other than the CH or A/BO;

(11) Unauthorized purchases; and,

(12) CHs returning merchandise to merchants for store credit vouchers instead of having credits issued back to their GPC accounts.

4-4. Purchase Card Online System (PCOLS)

a. PCOLS is a DoD-wide suite of electronic systems that GPC officials use to improve the management and accountability within their GPC program organizations. PCOLS is comprised of five applications: Enterprise Monitoring and Management of Accounts (EMMA), Authorization, Issuance, and Maintenance (AIM), PCOLS Reporting, Data Mining (DM), and Risk Assessment (RA). PCOLS is Common Access Card (CAC) enabled to ensure secure authentication and nonrepudiation. Due to enhancement of program oversight, the Purchase Card On-Line System (PCOLS) is mandated for GPC participants Army-wide and accessible at: / .

b. EMMA is used to capture and define organizational purchase card hierarchies, document authority chains, and identify relationships among purchase card roles. EMMA increases the accuracy of personnel data and institute more robust inclusion of supervisors (e.g., cardholder and managing account supervisors). EMMA acts to electronically define the GPC hierarchy, the roles within the hierarchy, and assigns individuals to those roles. Additionally, EMMA enables the A/OPC to alter or remove any personnel from assigned roles reflecting changes to hierarchy structures, also known as provisioning.

c. AIM is used to initiate, approve, and transmit requests for GPC issuance and maintenance actions. AIM draws from hierarchies (e.g., role responsibilities and permissions) established in EMMA. It directly engages GPC supervisors, helps ensure business rules comply with internal organizational management controls, and is a workflow tool performing various GPC Program account authorization and maintenance functions.

d. Data Mining (DM) programmatically reviews 100% of the DoD purchase card transactions using sophisticated intelligent/learning software and identifies correlations, patterns, and trends in purchase card buying actions. This transaction review allows daily, near-real-time mining of the data. The Case Manager, which is an integral component of DM, interprets the referred transactions and creates specific cases that are assigned to the Approving/Billing Officials (A/BOs) for review. Through the use of the Case Manager Interview Process, the A/BO demonstrates that due diligence is exercised in the review of the referred transactions. With this DM tool, scarce human resources can be targeted on identified high-risk transactions and maintain a record of actions taken on referred transaction reviews for improved internal audit ability of the program.

e. Risk Assessment (RA), together with results from the DM Application, assess and report on the overall "health" of a DoD organization's purchase card program. RA allows users to monitor risks associated with their purchase card program. Users assess the risk of their purchase card program by monitoring certain risk controls on a cycle-by-cycle basis. This monitoring is accomplished through the following components within the RA Application: controls, dashboards, and quarterly reports.

f. PCOLS automatically un-provisions, or removes users from their PCOLS roles in EMMA when their retirements or separations are reported to the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS). DEERS receives personnel information updates from the DoD services and agencies on a regular basis.

g. As discussed in Section 2-2, PCOLS users are responsible for completing DAU GLG005, Purchase Card Online System (PCOLS) prior to GPC appointment and GPC account issuance. DAU GL 005 provides comprehensive role-based PCOLS training and assists in understanding how to utilize the preceding applications in providing oversight of your GPC Program.

4-5. Violation of Army GPC Procedures

If, as a result of findings from a surveillance visit, or by any other means, the A/OPC discovers a CH or BO has violated GPC procedures, the A/OPC shall document the violation and take action to resolve the noncompliance to include, if necessary, retraining of the CH or BO and/or temporarily suspending the CH or BO’s GPC privileges. Any determinations to cancel or permanently suspend a CH or BO account shall be made by the Level 2 A/OPC, CCO or designee (e.g. Level 3 or 4 A/OPC), and their findings forwarded to the CH or BO’s supervisor. Continual violation of GPC procedures by an individual CH or BO shall result in termination of GPC privileges. A/OPCs shall verify that all potentially fraudulent and erroneous transactions that have been identified are disputed and properly resolved. Evidence of deliberate abuse shall be referred to the CH’s and/or BO’s Commander by the CCO for appropriate action in accordance with the Uniform Code of Military Justice or civilian disciplinary rules. Evidence of fraud or other criminal activity shall be referred, by the Commander/CCO, to the appropriate investigative body (e.g. Office of the Inspector General (OIG), Army Audit Agency (AAA)) or other investigative body for a follow up investigation. The violation and action taken shall be documented in the A/OPC’s files.