5613.301 Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card.

(Revised June 2018)

(b) Refer to the publication, USSOCOM Procedures for Use of the Government-wide Purchase Card (GPC), for procedures on the use and control of the card.

(c) (Removed June 2018)

5613.302 Purchase Orders.

5613.302-1 General.

(a) Contracting officers must document the justification for awarding an other than firm-fixed price purchase order in the contract file.

(b)(4) Briefly annotate the simplified acquisition file with the reason for using delivery terms other than F.O.B. destination for deliveries made within the continental United States.

5613.302-2 Unpriced Purchase Orders.

(c) A certified funding document for the monetary limit of the order shall be provided prior to issuance of an unpriced purchase order.

5613.303 Blanket Purchase Agreements.

5613.303-5 Purchases under BPAs.

5613.303-5-90 Ordering Officer Limitations.

(Revised June 2021)

Ordering Officers may not place individual purchase call orders against decentralized BPAs in excess of $35,000.

5613.303-6 Review Procedures.

(c) Chief, Contracting Office is responsible for ensuring all BPAs, including decentralized are reviewed on an annual basis in accordance with FAR 13.303-6 . All discrepancies noted shall be annotated with the corrective action taken.

5613.306 SF 44, Purchase OrderInvoiceVoucher.

(Revised June 2021)

(a)(1) The Director of Procurement retains the authority to approve requests for higher dollar limitations for specific activities or items on a case-by-case basis. Contracting officers shall submit requests for authorization of higher dollar limitations for ordering officers in writing through the Directorate of Procurement liaison officer. The request shall address the circumstances for use, purpose, dollar limitation and the mission impact of the higher limit. No purchases may exceed the simplified acquisition threshold.