Subpart 5615.3 - SOURCE SELECTION

5615.300 Scope of Subpart

(Added June 2014)

Contracting officers shall follow the principles and procedures in Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy memorandum dated March 4, 2011, Department of Defense Source Selection Procedures and the USSOCOM Source Selection Procedures Supplement dated 13 January 2012 that can be found on the SOF AT&L Source Selection Procedures Area of the Portal.

5615.303 Responsibilities.

(Revised December 2015)

In accordance with DoD Source Selection Procedures, the SSA for all USSOCOM source selections with a total estimated value of $100M or more, shall be someone other than the contracting officer.

(1) If contractor personnel support is approved, then the RFP must inform offerors that contractor personnel will have access to their proposal, including the name of the company and the extent of their participation.


(A) (Removed January 2014)

(B) When the Reviewer is not the Source Selection Authority (SSA), the review and approval of the source selection method and plan shall be accomplished in accordance with Attachment 5601-1 prior to the release of the solicitation. The source selection method and plan must be reviewed and approved by the SSA. If the KO is also the SSA, the Division Chief/Field Office Chief will review the SSP. If the Division Chief/Field Office Chief is also the SSA, SOF AT&L-KM or SOF AT&L-KX as appropriate, will review the SSP, regardless of the dollar amount.

5615.305 Proposal Evaluation.

(Revised April 2015)


Evaluations of past performance shall include reports obtained from the Past Performance Information Retrieval System ( PPIRS ), if available.

(4) The Source Selection Authority (SSA) may allow access to cost information to all source selection evaluation team members. If access to cost data is to be limited or denied to the technical team or others, describe the limitations and rationale for it in the SSP.

5615.306 Exchanges with Offerors After Receipt of Proposals.

(Revised January 2014)

(b) The rationale for the decision to communicate with offerors prior to establishment of the Competitive Range Determination (CRD) shall be documented. The CRD shall be included in the Business Clearance Memorandum (BCM) if not using formal source selection procedures.

5615.306-90 Award without Discussion.

(Revised January 2014)

(a)The Contracting Officer shall obtain Business Clearance approval prior to award without discussion or beginning negotiations.

(b)The source selection supporting documents, and or BCM if not using formal source selection procedures, shall contain sufficient information to support the Source Selection Authority decision for inclusion or exclusion of sources from the competitive range or limits imposed to promote efficient competition ( FAR 15.306(c) ).

5615.307 Proposal Revisions.

(Removed January 2014)

5615.308 Source Selection Decision.

(Removed January 2014)

5615.3-90 Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses.

(Revised November 2007)

(a) Contracting officers may include a provision substantially the same as the provision at 5652.215-9008 , Past Performance Data, in solicitations requiring submittal of past performance data. The provision shall be included in solicitations that contain 5652.215-9012 , Basis for Award, Alternate I, or 5652.215-9014 , Basis for Award-Lowest Price, Technically Acceptable Proposal.

(b) Contracting officers may include a provision substantially the same as the provision at 5652.215-9012 , Basis for Award, in solicitations when the basis for award includes factors other than price. The provision should not be used in solicitations using streamlined acquisition procedures for commercial products in accordance with FAR Part 12 . Do not use this provision when a Source Selection Plan containing Section M language is approved unless the plan specifically includes this provision. The provision shall be included with its Alternate I when past performance is an evaluation factor for award. If Alternate 1 is used, include the provision at 5652.215-9008 , Past Performance Data, in Section L. The provision shall be included with its Alternate II when evaluation credit will be given to those technical solutions exceeding mandatory minimums (See FAR 15.306(d)(3) ).

(c) Contracting officers may include a provision substantially the same as the provision at 5652.215-9014 , Basis for Award-Lowest Price, Technically Acceptable Proposal, in solicitations when the award will be made using lowest price technically acceptable source selection procedures in accordance with FAR 15.101-2 . The provision should not be used in solicitations using streamlined acquisition procedures for commercial products in accordance with FAR Part 12 . The provision shall be included with its Alternate I when past performance is an evaluation factor for award. If Alternate I is used, include the provision at 5652.215-9008 , Past Performance Data, in Section L.

(d) Contracting officers shall include 5652.215-9015 , Evaluation of Offers - Full Quantity, in all competitive solicitations when the Government will not accept offers for quantities less than those stated in schedule.

5615.371 Only one offer.

(Added June 2018)

(b) During the period August 31st through September 30th, the HCD/FCO is delegated the authority to waive the requirement at DFARS 215.371-2 to resolicit for an additional period of at least 30 days. A copy of each waiver shall be submitted to the LNO for the office no later than 15 October.