5209.405 Effect of listing.

(a) ASN(RDA) shall make the required determination that there is a compelling reason. Submit requests for an ASN(RDA) determination to DASN(P) with justification for the proposed consent action by email at RDAJ&As.fct @navy.mil with the subject “[Activity Name] DFARS 209.405 – Compelling Reason Review and Approval.” DASN(P) shall provide written notification of the determination to the General Services Administration.

(b)(ii) Submit requests for an agency head exception via DASN(P) with justification that award to Code “H” ineligible contractor is in the paramount interest of the United States by email at RDAJ&As.fct @navy.mil with the subject “[Activity Name] DFARS 209.405 – Code H Ineligible Facility Review and Approval.”

(e)(2) ASN(RDA) shall make the required determination that there is a compelling reason. Submit requests for an ASN(RDA) determination to DASN(P) with justification for the proposed consideration of the bid by email at RDAJ&As.fct@navy.mil with subject “[Activity Name] FAR 9.405(e)(2) – Compelling Reason Review and Approval.” DASN(P) shall provide written notification of the determination to the General Services Administration.

(3) ASN(RDA) shall make the required determination that there is a compelling reason. Submit requests for an ASN(RDA) determination to DASN(P) with justification for the proposed consideration of the bid by email at RDAJ&As.fct@navy.mil with subject “[Activity Name] FAR 9.405(e)(3) – Compelling Reason Review and Approval.” DASN(P) shall provide written notification of the determination to the General Services Administration.