5215.402 Pricing policy.

(a)(S-90)(1) When requesting DPC approval for participation in the Section 890 Pilot Program to Accelerate Contracts and Pricing Processes pursuant to DPC Class Deviation 2020-O0020, provide notification to DASN(P) by emailing a copy of the application, upon submittal to DPC, to usn.pentagon.asstsecnavrdadc.mbx.pabt@us.navy.mil with the subject “[Activity Name] NMCARS 5215.402(a)(S-90)(1) – Section 890 Pilot Program to Accelerate Contracting and Pricing Processes.”

(2) After the contractor submits the required information in accordance with DFARS clause 252.215.7998, Pilot Program to Accelerate Contracting Pricing Processes (Class Deviation 2020-O0020), the contracting officer shall submit the information to DPC and provide a copy to DASN(P) by email at RDAJ&As.fct@navy.mil with the subject “[Activity Name] NMCARS 5215.402(a)(S-90)(2) – Section 890 Pilot Program to Accelerate Contracting and Pricing Processes Measurements.”