5217.770 Procedures.

HCAs shall establish and maintain procedures, for assisted and direct acquisitions, consistent with approval authorities in this section, for reviewing and approving orders placed for supplies and services under non-DoD contracts when the amount of the order exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold. Approval authorities for assisted and direct acquisitions are:

(1) Assisted acquisitions.

(i) ASN(RDA) is the decision authority for assisted acquisitions exceeding $550,000,000.

(ii) DASN(P) is the decision authority for assisted acquisitions exceeding $50,000,000.

(iii) The HCA is the decision authority for assisted acquisitions at or below $50,000,000. This authority may be delegated; but, for requirements over $5,000,000, decision authority may only be delegated to an official in the Requiring Organization who is a Flag or General Officer; a member of the SES; or, for a requirement arising from a claimant activity without Flag/General Officer/SES, the commanding officer of that activity.

(2) Direct acquisitions. The business clearance approval official is the decision authority for direct acquisitions.