5222.102-2 Administration.

(c)(1) The Contracting Officer shall refer questions from DOL or other interested parties regarding the application of labor laws to government acquisitions under FAR Part 22 and its corresponding contract clauses, to the Navy Labor Advisor in DASN(P) by email at NavyLaborAdvisor@navy.mil , or for NAVFAC contracts, to the NAVFACENGCOM Labor Advisor by email at NAVFAC_Labor_Advisor@navy.mil .

(2) When a contracting officer receives a complaint or other indication of violation of the labor standards in a service or supply contract, the complaint shall be referred promptly to the nearest office of DOL, making every effort to maintain the confidentiality of the complainant except to DOL and directing any related questions to the Navy Labor Advisor in DASN(P) by email at NavyLaborAdvisor@navy.mil .