Subpart 709.5—Organizational Conflicts of Interest

709.503 Waiver.

For purposes of approving waivers or further delegating the authority to approve waivers pursuant to (48 CFR) FAR 9.503, the M/OAA Director is the agency head (see (48 CFR) AIDAR 701.601(a)(1)). The M/OAA Director hereby delegates the authority to approve waivers pursuant to (48 CFR) FAR 9.503 to the heads of USAID contracting activities, as defined in (48 CFR) AIDAR 702.170.

709.507-2 Contract clause.

(a)-(b) [Reserved]

(c) In order to avoid problems from organizational conflicts of interest that may be discovered after award of a contract, the clause found at 752.209-71 shall be inserted in all contracts whenever the solicitation or resulting contract or both include a provision in accordance with (48 CFR) FAR 9.507-1, or a clause in accordance with (48 CFR) FAR 9.507-2, establishing a restraint on the contractor's eligibility for future contracts.