Subpart 715.6—Unsolicited Proposals

715.602 Policy.

Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 4205, Jan. 23, 2024.

(a) USAID encourages the submission of unsolicited proposals which contribute new ideas consistent with and contributing to the accomplishment of the Agency's objectives. However, the requirements for contractor resources are normally quite program specific, and thus widely varied, and must be responsive to host country needs. Further, USAID's projects are usually designed in collaboration with the cooperating country. These factors can limit both the need for, and USAID's ability to use unsolicited proposals. Therefore, prospective offerors are encouraged to contact USAID to determine the Agency's technical and geographical requirements as related to the offeror's interests before preparing and submitting a formal unsolicited proposal.

(b) USAID's basic policies and procedures regarding unsolicited proposals are those established in FAR subpart 15.6 and this subpart.

(c) For detailed information on unsolicited proposals including point of contact information see (48 CFR) AIDAR 715.604.

715.604 Agency points of contact.

Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 4206, Jan. 23, 2024.

(a) Information on USAID's policies for unsolicited proposals is available from the U.S. Agency for International Development, Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition and Assistance, Evaluation Division (M/OAA/E), SA-44, Room 858-E, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20523 or by email to Initial inquiries and subsequent unsolicited proposals must be submitted to the address specified above.

(b) The information available includes:

(1) Contact points within USAID;

(2) Definitions;

(3) Information source on USAID objectives and areas of potential interest;

(4) Characteristics of a suitable proposal;

(5) Determination of contractor responsibility;

(6) Organizational conflicts of interest;

(7) Cost sharing; and

(8) Procedures for submission and evaluation of proposals;

(9) Guidance on preferred methods for submitting ideas/concepts to the Government;

(10) Instructions for identifying and marking proprietary information so that it is projected and restrictive legends conform to (48 CFR) FAR 15.609.