Subpart 716.5—Indefinite-Delivery Contracts

Source: 77 FR 8171, Feb. 14, 2012, unless otherwise noted.

716.501-270 Partner vetting—indefinite-delivery contracts.

If a task order or delivery order under an indefinite-delivery contract has the potential to be subject to vetting, then the contract itself will be subject to the applicable procedures and requirements for partner vetting in (48 CFR) AIDAR 704.70.

716.505-70 Partner vetting—orders under indefinite delivery contracts.

(a) The task order contracting officer will specify in the request for task or delivery order proposals whether the order is subject to vetting and when awardees must submit the USAID Partner Information Form.

(b) For orders under multiple award contracts, fair opportunity selection procedures are conducted separately from vetting. The contracting officer for the order must follow the ordering procedures in the contract to select the order awardee without knowledge of vetting-related information, other than that the contractor has passed or not passed vetting.

(c) The contracting officer may only place an order subject to vetting with an awardee that has passed vetting for that order.

716.506 Solicitation provision and contract clause.

(a) As prescribed in 48 CFR 704.7005(a), the contracting officer will insert the provision at 752.204-70 Partner Vetting Pre-Award Requirements, in solicitations for indefinite delivery contracts when USAID anticipates that any orders placed under the contract will be subject to vetting.


(1) The contracting officer will insert the clause at 752.216-71 Partner Vetting, in those solicitations and contracts for indefinite-delivery contracts that USAID identifies as subject to vetting.

(2) The contracting officer will use the clause with its Alternate I when USAID determines that subcontracts at any tier for certain classes of supplies or services are subject to vetting.