Authority: 28 U.S.C. 510; 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 28 CFR 0.75(j) and 0.76(j).

Source: 87 FR 47118, Aug. 2, 2022, unless otherwise noted.

      Subpart 2848.1 - Policies and Procedures

           2848.102 Policies.

      Subpart 2848.2 - Contract Clauses

           2848.201 Clauses for supply or service contracts.

Subpart 2848.1 - Policies and Procedures

2848.102 Policies.

The HCA is the agency head for purposes of FAR 48.102(a).

Subpart 2848.2 - Contract Clauses

2848.201 Clauses for supply or service contracts.

The HCA or designee is the agency head for purposes of FAR 48.201(a)(6).