39.203 Applicability.

(a)(S-90) Unless an exception applies (reference FAR 39.204), contracting officers shall insert procurement note L29 in solicitations when procuring EIT products and services.


L29 Section 508 Requirements (OCT 2021)

Offerors shall comply with the Section 508 accessibility requirements. By submission of its offer, the offeror affirms that its Electronic Information Technology (EIT) supplies and services are accessible as outlined in the law, the standard, and FAR Subpart 39.2. Offerors shall complete the current revision of the Voluntary Product Accessible Template (VPAT) Rev 508 at https://www.itic.org/policy/accessibility/vpat (copy website address into browser). If applicable, offerors shall indicate where their Section 508 EIT compliance information is available for review (e.g., offeror’s website or other location the contracting officer can access). The contracting officer may require a demonstration of Section 508 compliance prior to award.

(S-91) Contracting officers shall insert procurement note H11 in solicitations and awards when procuring EIT products and services.


H11 Section 508 Requirements (OCT 2020)

Contractors shall comply with the Section 508 Accessibility requirements in this contract and the current revision of the Voluntary Product Accessible Template (VPAT) Rev 508 at https://www.itic.org/policy/accessibility/vpat (copy website address into browser) as stated in their proposal, for the duration of contract performance.
