6-15. Deployed to an OCONUS Area of Responsibility (AOR)

a. Cardholders must follow operational orders and coordinate with their Level 4 A/OPC regarding procedures for deployed or contingency situations. In most cases, Army units deployed to a different AOR will receive new cards under the AOR per the SOFA agreements.

b. Units must coordinate with their Level 4 A/OPC. The transfer of program and oversight responsibilities from the CONUS A/OPC to the OCONUS A/OPC is prohibited. Deployed cards will be managed by the home station A/OPC.

c. If after coordination with the contracting authority for the deployed area, it is determined the deploying units are not taking their GPCs, these accounts must be temporarily suspended by the A/OPC, upon notification from the BO, during the period of deployment. If GPCs are authorized while deployed, the local RM must make appropriate adjustments to the LOAs, and additional information must be entered in the servicing bank’s EAS. The BO must notify the A/OPC in writing if GPCs are authorized while deployed. OCONUS GPCs will be managed to meet the program requirements of the issuing agency.

d. Active Component Units. Units deploying in support of contingency operations should take their locally issued GPCs with them to use while deployed. Prior to deployment, A/OPCs must coordinate with the contracting authority in the contingency area to see if there are special requirements for using the GPC while deployed in the AOR and ensure the cards' lines of accounting are properly funded. GPCs are issued through contracting; therefore, the decision on whether the GPC will be taken to deployed locations will be determined by the contracting office Level 3 or 4 A/OPCs. Resource Managers do not determine whether GPCs are taken to deployed locations.

e. Deploying National Guard (NG) Members. Deploying NG members may continue to use their home station GPC up until they arrive at the Mobilization (MOB) station. The NG home station Level 4 A/OPC deactivates the mobilized soldier’s GPC account at this point, through temporary closure or termination. The gaining activity in the new AOR will then determine if the NG member requires a GPC. If it is determined that the mobilized NG member requires a GPC, the Level 4 A/OPC in the new AOR will be responsible for issuance and oversight responsibility of this new GPC account. All GPC accounts (CH and BO) for mobilized NG members are managed by the Level 4 A/OPC to whom the NG member is assigned. Cards are to be used in theater for mission essential requirements only.

f. OCONUS Annual Training. NG home station (54 states and territories) GPC cards are not “portable” and must not be used to support OCONUS Annual Training (AT) events and must be temporarily set to $1.00 during the OCONUS AT event.