5301.603-3 Appointment

(b) Issuing authorities identified in 5301.603-1 above may delegate the purchase authority described in FAR 1.603-3(b) and DFARS 201.603-3(b), to DoD civilian employees and members of the U.S. Armed Forces, such as transportation personnel, medical supply personnel, librarians, and chiefs of construction management, provided:

(1) The written delegation specifies a dollar limit per transaction (e.g., per order, per call); the method(s) of award; and the supplies, equipment and/or non-personal services, to include construction, related to the individual’s (e.g., GPC Cardholder, Field Ordering Officer, etc.) scope of duties that may be procured. For example, librarians may buy books, but not construction materials or services; and,

(2) Personnel have completed contracting training commensurate with the type of instrument(s) authorized to process and level of responsibility delegated.