5304.802 (f) Electronic Retention of Contract Files

Contracting offices listed in KT Fileshare (KTFS) shall use it as both the working and official file, per FAR 4.802(c)(3). It shall be used to create, modify, store, access, and route documents necessary to manage the acquisition process for review and approval, over the life of the entire acquisition lifecycle, (e.g. requirements development to contract closeout.) Contracting Officers shall ensure that KTFS contains all appropriate contract documents required for the official contract file. If a contract document is maintained within the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE, https://wawf.eb.mil/ ), within Electronic Document Access (EDA), the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS), or the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Subaward Reporting System (FSRS), then that system is the official system of record; contracting officers are not required to duplicate the document in KTFS, unless the contracting office determines an exception applies to ensure ready accessibility to principal users (e.g., clearance reviewers, auditors) per FAR 4.802(c)(2). Examples of such exceptions, include, but are not limited to, Award Documents, and copies of Government-Furnished Property (GFP) attachments. However, contracting officers shall add screenshots of system of record documents (Reps/Certs, SAM/FAPIIS, etc.) that are dynamic/overwritten to reflect status at time of contract action. In addition, KTFS shall not be used to store documents that are not required to be part of the contract file such as CDRL submittals and annual CPARS reports.