5306.303-1-90 Bridge Actions for Service Contracts Only

(a) All service contract actions that meet the definition of a bridge action at DAFFARS 5302.101 require a written, approved justification document in accordance with DAFFARS 5306.304 Approval of the Justification. All bridge action J&As shall be identified as a “bridge action J&A” as indicated in the respective justification templates. Upon award of any bridge action, Contracting Officers shall enter the action into the DAF Bridge Action Reporting Tool (BART). Competition Advocates for each procuring activity shall ensure all bridge actions are included in the tool on a quarterly basis.

(b) Notifications required by DoDI 5000.74, Defense Acquisition of Services ; provide a copy of the approved justification and email transmission of the required notification to the Competition and Commercial Advocate (CCA)..

(1) Upon the first use of a bridge contract to provide for continuation of a service to be performed through a services contract, due to inadequate planning as determined by the S-CAT decision authority, the requirements owner, along with the contracting officer or a designee of the contracting officer for the contract, will:

(i) For a services contract in an amount less than $10 million, provide an update on the status of the bridge contract (including the rationale for using the bridge contract) to the requiring activity’s PEO, Flag Officer, or civilian equivalent, as applicable; or

(ii) For a services contract in an amount equal to or greater than $10 million, provide an update on the status of the bridge contract (including the rationale for using the bridge contract) to the cognizant Service Acquisition Executive (SAE).

(2) Upon the second use of a bridge contract to provide for continuation of a service to be performed through a services contract in an amount less than $10 million, due to inadequate planning as determined by the S-CAT decision authority, the commander or senior civilian official referred to in Paragraph (b)(1)(i) will provide notification of such use to the Vice Chief of Staff of the DAF and the cognizant SAE.