5306.304 Approval of the Justification

(a) Dollar thresholds and approvals levels are reflected in Table 1. For justification values > $15M ≤ $100M, the approval authority is:

(1) The Program Executive Officer (PEO) (including AFPEO/CM) for programs within the PEOs portfolio and the PEO is a General Officer (GO) or civilian member of the Senior Executive Service (SES);

(2) The Senior Contracting Officer (SCO) if they are a GO/SES; or

(3) The Commander or Director for the locations listed in 5306.501(a)(1) and (2), when the PEO or SCO is not a GO/SES.

Justification Value Approval Authority Delegability
< $750K Chief of the Contracting Office Delegable to contracting officer, consistent with warrant level
> $750K < $15M Procuring Activity Competition and Commercial Advocate (CAA) Not further delegable
> $15M < $100M PEO or SCO if GO or civilian SES; otherwise, Head of Procuring Activity Delegable to GO or SES
> $100M SAF/AQ or SAF/SQ Not further delegable

(4) J&As for actions exceeding $100M must be coordinated with the PEO/Head of Procuring Activity and the cognizant HCA prior to SAF/AQ or SAF/SQ approval (See MP5301.601(a)(i) for staffing and coordination instructions).

(i) Changes recommended during the staffing process for SPE approval must be adjudicated by the contracting officer in coordination with the cognizant HCA prior to submitting the J&A to the SPE for approval.

(ii) The SCO may authorize solicitation release after the justification is reviewed for adequacy and forwarded to the cognizant HCA for coordination to SAF/AQ or SAF/SQ for approval.

(iii) To support J&A coordination and staffing when SAF/AQ is the approval authority, contracting officers are encouraged to obtain DAF IP Cadre’s (SAF/AQCC) feedback on draft J&A before submission for SAF/AQ approval. Request DAF IP Cadre input by completing the Cadre Support Request Intake Form and submit to the DAF IP Cadre Workflow

(e) Changes After J&A Approval: Regardless of dollar value, if a proposed change is for a new work outside the scope of the original J&A, submit a new J&A to the appropriate approving official based on the value of the new work. New work should not commence until the J&A is approved unless authorized in accordance with FAR 6.302-2, Unusual and Compelling Urgency.

(1) Before contract award, if the dollar value is expected to exceed the authority of the original J&A approving official, submit an amended J&A to the appropriate approving official. Clearly identify the dollar increase from the approved J&A.

(2) After contract award, if the dollar value of an in-scope change exceeds the authority of the original J&A approving official, submit an amended J&A to the appropriate approving official. Clearly identify the dollar increase from the approved J&A.

(3) A new or amended J&A is not require for an increase in the estimated dollar value of in-scope work that does not exceed the authority of the original J&A approving official.