5307.104 General Procedures

(a)(1) Where a written acquisition plan is required, an Acquisition Strategy Panel (ASP) shall be convened and chaired by the acquisition approving authority. ASP shall consist of members responsible for significant aspects of the acquisition, such as contracting, small business, fiscal, legal, and technical personnel. Unless waived by the acquisition approving authority, an ASP briefing shall be prepared by the planner and presented to the acquisition plan approving authority to allow discussion of the proposed strategy and promote an informed decision prior to approval of the plan. Written ASP briefing material may serve as the written acquisition plan provided documents address the acquisition plan content requirements of FAR 7.105 and DFARS 207.105. Acquisition planning templates, including ASP briefing templates, can be found on https://www.afacpo.com/apm/core-documents/templates/or by using the AF Acquisition Process Model tool.

(2) Regardless of dollar value, if a proposed change is for a new work outside the scope of the original acquisition plan, a revised acquisition plan based on the value of the new work shall be prepared. Whenever significant changes occur, the planner shall prepare a revised acquisition plan and a statement that summarizes the changes and obtain concurrence of the ASP and approval from the acquisition approving authority.

(c) Before convening an ASP for DAF programs greater than $1B, the planner shall also coordinate with the DAF Intellectual Property (IP) Cadre (SAF/AQCC) in acquisition planning. Planners may coordinate with DAF IP Cadre on acquisition strategies of any dollar value where advice and assistance are needed to develop a robust IP strategy IAW 5307.105 Contents of Written Acquisition Plans(b)(14)(iii). Coordination requests should be sent to the DAF IP Cadre Workflow.