5317.204 Contracts

(e) Unless otherwise restricted by statute or DFARS 217.204(e)(i)-(iii), the Acquisition Plan (AP) approving authority has the authority to approve contract periods in excess of the limitations specified in FAR 17.204(e). If an AP/Acquisition Strategy Panel (ASP), or Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP) is not required, the contracting officer has the authority to approve such extended contract periods. This approval is not required if the total contract period, including options and modifications, exceeds the limitations specified in FAR 17.204(e) solely due to the inclusion of FAR Clause 52.217-8, “Option to Extend Services,” at an amount specified in or reasonably determinable from the terms of the contract.

(e)(i)(B) Unless otherwise restricted by statute, the AP approving authority has the authority to approve extensions of the ordering period of a task order or delivery order contract (including a contract for information technology) awarded pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 3403 for one or more successive periods as provided in DFARS 217.204(e)(i)(B). If an AP/ASP/LCSP is not required, the contracting officer has the authority to approve such extensions.

(e)(i)(C) See MP5301.601(a)(i).

(e)(iii) See MP5301.601(a)(i).