6.4 Acquisition/Source Selection Team Training

6.4.1 Conducting Source Selection Training Sessions.

Source selection training must be presented to the entire SST, including the SSA, SSAC Chair and members, PM (where one is assigned), RO,and all advisors. Independent review of source selection training materials by SST members and/or attendance at “Train-the-Trainer” training is not sufficient to satisfy this training requirement.

Specialized executive level training modules are available for the SSA and SSAC.

Phase I (Acquisition Planning)training should be presented at the earliest stage of an acquisition and covers the acquisition process up to release of the RFP. If an SST member has participated in Phase I training within 12 months, the SCO may waive the Phase I training requirement for that member.

Phase II (Source Selection Execution)training is presented prior to or immediately after receipt of proposals.

6.4.2 Training Content and Process.

The SAF/AQCP Knowledge Management Team develops and maintains source selection training modules to assist Source Selection Trainers. Trainers are encouraged to tailor the modules, as needed, to meet the unique elements of the instant acquisition.

The Ethics, Procurement Integrity, and Conflicts of Interest topic should be presented by the local legal advisor. Links to Ethics training material are included in both Phase I and Phase II source selection training materials. The use of locally-developed Ethics training by local legal advisors is encouraged. The length of the source selection training and the level of detail presented in either Phase I (Acquisition Planning) or Phase II (Source Selection Execution) depends on the complexity of the specific acquisition and the experience level of the SST.

6.4.3 Advance Preparation.

Effectiveness of the source selection training experience can be enhanced with advance preparation. The Defense Acquisition University (DAU) offers continuous learning modules on source selection and related topics. Some suggested DAU courses include the following:

CON 0040– Market Research

CON 0072 – Source Selection

CLC028 - Past Performance Information

CLC 132 - Organizational Conflicts of Interest

ACQ 0490 - Procurement Fraud Indicators