Subpart 517.70 - Delegation of Procurement Authority

517.7001 Delegating authority.

(a) General. The GSA Administrator may delegate GSA's statutorily prescribed acquisition authorities to other Federal agencies for accomplishment of mission requirements.

(b) Purpose. GSA's delegation of procurement authority (DPA) to another Federal agency can be—

(1) To perform a specific acquisition; or

(2) To perform functions that could include acquisitions as a component thereof.

(c) Scope. GSA's delegation of authority to another Federal agency includes all delegations of procurement authority regardless of type or dollar value.

(d) Specific roles and responsibilities. Within the scope of GSA’s ability to delegate procurement authorities to other Federal agencies, there are specific roles and responsibilities for GSA components:

(1) HCAs are responsible for:

(i) Developing policies and procedures governing all DPAs, tailored to the mission and organizational structure of the office, which, at a minimum, will consist of the following:

(A) Criteria for identifying those programs and projects that are appropriate for delegation of procurement authority.

(B) Criteria for identifying those programs and projects that are appropriate for delegation of procurement authority.

(C) Procedures for ensuring that each DPA request is appropriately documented, and an accountable official provided by the delegated agency.

(D) Procedures for monitoring and providing oversight of the delegated agency to ensure adherence to the terms of the delegation and all applicable laws and regulations, which may include acquisition management reviews.

(E) Criteria for withdrawal of the delegation of procurement authority.

(F) Appointment of a director to manage and monitor the DPA program.

(G) Notification to the GSA Office of Acquisition Policy of the name and email of the director responsible for the DPA program via email to

(2) The GSA Office of Acquisition Policy is responsible for:

(i) Coordinating approval of the delegation with the Administrator;

(ii) Assisting HCAs, as requested, in establishing DPA programs; and

Providing support to HCAs, as requested, in conducting acquisition management reviews of acquisitions by delegated agencies.(iii)

517.7002 Limitations and exclusions.

(a) Limitations. GSA’s delegation of procurement authorities are subject to the following limitations:

(1) GSA must determine that such delegation would serve the Government’s interests by providing an economical and efficient means of supplying the required property, supplies, or services;

(2) The delegated Federal agency is willing and able (based on sufficient contracting activity staffing and training levels) to effectively assume the delegated acquisition authority; and

(3) GSA oversees the exercise of the delegated Federal agency’s authority, to ensure compliance with the terms of the delegation and applicable laws and regulations.

(b) Exclusions. The following are not GSA delegations of procurement authority and are excluded from GSA’s ability to delegate procurement authorities to other Federal agencies:

(1) Situations where a Federal agency has the authority to act without further delegation from GSA but is required to obtain GSA approval;

(2) Situations that arise pursuant to GSA's role as a central management agency (e.g., waivers to GSA Stock Items under Federal Property Management Regulations (FPMR));

(3) Procurements otherwise authorized by the terms of a GSA contract.