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Part Number: 752

USAID Acquisition Regulation

752.227-14 Rights in Data—general.

752.227-14 Rights in Data—general.

Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 4208, Jan. 23, 2024.

As prescribed in 727.409(b), insert the following clause:

Rights in Data—General (OCT 2007)

The following paragraph (d) replaces paragraph (d) of (48 CFR) FAR 52.227-14 Rights in Data—General.

(d) Release, publication and use of data.

(1) For all data first produced or specifically used by the Contractor in the performance of this contract in the United States, its territories, or Puerto Rico, the Contractor shall have the right to use, release to others, reproduce, distribute, or publish such data, except to the extent such data may be subject to the Federal export control or national security laws or regulations, or unless otherwise provided in this paragraph of this clause or expressly set forth in this contract [see paragraph (d)(3) for limitations on contracts performed outside of the US].

(2) The Contractor agrees that to the extent it receives or is given access to data necessary for the performance of this contract which contain restrictive markings, the Contractor shall treat the data in accordance with such markings unless otherwise specifically authorized in writing by the contracting officer.

(3) For all data first produced or specifically used by the Contractor in the overseas performance of this contract, the Contractor shall not release, reproduce, distribute, or publish such data without the written permission of the contracting officer. The Government also may require the contractor to assign copyright to the Government or another party as circumstances warrant or as specifically stated elsewhere in the contract.


AIDAR Appendix