3. Small Business Participation

Utilize MPNDI.

In section 866 of the 2011 NDAA, Congress authorized a pilot program for the acquisition of Military Purpose Nondevelopmental Items (MPNDI). This allows products developed entirely at private expense to be purchased using streamlined, commercial-like procedures. This gap-filler was carefully “designed to test whether the streamlined procedures similar to those available for commercial items can serve as an effective incentive for non-traditional defense contractors to: (1) channel investment and innovation into areas that are useful to DOD; and (2) provide items developed exclusively at private expense to meet validated military requirements.” (See http://www.wifcon.com/dodauth11/dod11_866.htm ) Although this important program and experiment is in place ready for use, acquisition personnel have refused to test it even once.



5 votes
Idea No. 52