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Change Number: 2024-0610
Effective Date: 06/10/2024

4-3. Suspected Fraud or Abuse

4-3. Suspected Fraud or Abuse

a. All instances of suspected fraud or abuse must be reported. Various channels of reporting include the Chain of Command, the A/OPC, the command’s procurement fraud advisor (Staff/Command Judge Advocate), the servicing Criminal Investigation Division office, internal review organizations, and Inspector Generals at all levels.

b. The following may be indicators of possible fraud, waste, or abuse:

(1) Repetitive buys from the same merchant;

(2) Lack of documentation for a purchase;

(3) Failure to safeguard cards and account numbers;

(4) CHs/BO authorizing the use of their cards by others;

(5) Inadequate oversight by BOs and agencies;

(6) Payments made for items not received;

(7) Split purchases to avoid spending limitations;

(8) Lack of accounting for items requiring accountability;

(9) Payment delinquencies incurring interest penalties;

(10) Approval of a CH’s statement of account by someone other than the CH or A/BO;

(11) Unauthorized purchases; and,

(12) CHs returning merchandise to merchants for store credit vouchers instead of having credits issued back to their GPC accounts.