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Change Number: 2025-0314
Effective Date: 03/14/2025

5101.601-90 Department of the Army contracting authorities and responsibilities.

5101.601-90 Department of the Army contracting authorities and responsibilities.

(a) General. Heads of the Contracting Activity (HCAs) have the authority to procure supplies and services to support all customer requirements, unless such procurements fall within the scope of unique contracting authorities assigned to another HCA as described in paragraph (b) below. This framework supports Category Management (CM) reforms, and promotes habitual customer relationships that leverage subject matter expertise to achieve greater contracting outcomes. The list of unique contracting authorities set forth in paragraph (b) is not all-inclusive and will continue to update as CM initiatives evolve. See AFARS PGI 5101.601-90-1 for Guidance for Alignment of Contracting Activities to Categories. Additionally, the authorities described in paragraph (b), sub-paragraphs (2-4), do not apply to contingency requirements outside the continental United States and overseas.

(1) Delegation of any Army HCA contracting authority is limited to officials within the Department of Army at the levels prescribed in Appendix GG .

(2) If a requiring activity presents a requirement in one of the designated commodity areas, to a contracting office not listed in paragraph (b) of this section, that contracting office shall refer the requiring activity to the designated HCA and coordinate with the designated HCA to determine which organization will provide support. If an HCA other than the designated HCA retains that requirement and executes a contract action for the designated commodity:

(A) The supporting HCA shall coordinate with the designated HCA as early as practicable in the procurement planning process, to leverage the subject matter expertise of the designated HCA and ensure the solicitations and contracts are properly structured.

(B) The supporting HCA should ensure the requisite contracting and technical/program personnel are properly trained in the contract award and administration of the designated commodity.

(C) The supporting HCA and designated HCA shall maintain a record of the coordination for contract award. The ODASA(P) will review the records during the Procurement Management Reviews.

(b) Assignment of Unique Contracting Authorities to Army HCAs. The assigned responsibilities are as follows:

(1) The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Procurement) has the following overarching authorities and responsibilities:

(A) Serves as the Enterprise HCA for the Department of the Army.

(B) Serves as the principal advisor to the Army Senior Procurement Executive (SPE).

(C) Subject to the authority, direction, and control of the SPE, directs other Army HCAs in connection with any procurement or procurement-related matter.

(D) Reviews all Senior Contracting Official (SCO) selections prior to SCO appointment by an Army contracting activity’s HCA.

(E) Acts in the absence of another Army contracting activity’s specifically-designated HCA.

(F) Chairs the Army Contracting Enterprise Executive Committee.

(G) Appoints Program or Project-specific SCOs on a temporary basis within the responsible Army contracting activity. The Program or Project-specific SCO focuses solely on the management of that program’s contract action(s).

(2) The HCA for the U.S Army Contracting Command is responsible for awarding and administering the following contract actions:

(A) Ammunition.

(B) Aviation and Missiles. [Army Contracting Command-Redstone Arsenal is the exclusive contracting center for Army Fixed Wing and non-tethered lighter than air platform aircraft and supporting services; and non-standard rotary wing aircraft].

(C) Combat and Tactical Vehicles.

(D) Construction related materials and services [Mission and Installation Contracting Command (MICC) is the secondary contracting center; the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is the primary contracting activity].

(E) Environmental services.

(F) Facility related materials and services [MICC is the primary contracting center; USACE is the secondary contracting activity].

(G) Information Technology, to include: software (including software development), hardware, consulting, security, outsourcing, and telecommunications. [Contracts or agreements primarily for software development efforts will not be executed by the MICC; however USACE, NGB, and MEDCOM may continue to execute contracts for software development, subject to the guidance issued by the Contracting Center of Excellence for Digital Capabilities at ACC-APG.]

(H) Transportation and Logistics Services, to include: logistics support services, transportation of things, motor vehicles (non-combat), and transportation equipment. [Note: Does not apply to U.S. Transportation Command-unique requirements related to the procurement of transportation services].

(3) The HCA for USACE is responsible for awarding and administering the following contract actions:

(A) Architect-Engineer services. (See also 5136.601-90 for other Army contracting offices with architect-engineer contracting authority).

(B) Civil works.

(C) Construction related materials and services [USACE is the primary contracting activity; MICC is the secondary contracting center].

(D) Environmental services.

(E) Facility related materials and services [USACE is the secondary contracting activity; MICC is the primary contracting center].

(F) Facilities purchase and lease.

(4) The HCA for the U.S Army Medical Command is responsible for awarding and administering the following contract actions:

(A) Medical equipment accessories and supplies.

(B) Healthcare services.

(5) The HCA for the National Guard Bureau (NGB) is responsible for awarding and administering the contract actions, grants, and agreements for supplies and services to support the Army and Air National Guard in 50 states, District of Columbia, and 3 U.S. Territories.

(6) The HCA for the Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO) is responsible for awarding and administering the following contract actions, grants, and agreements:

(A) Rapid Prototyping and initial equipping of strategically important capabilities to meet commanders’ warfighting needs, consistent with the Army’s modernization priorities.

(B) Technologies that address urgent and emerging threats on an accelerated timeline while supporting acquisition reform efforts.

(7) The HCA for the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) is responsible for awarding and administering Phase I and Phase II SBIR contract actions, grants, and agreements.

(c) Information on contracting responsibility with regards to traceability of funds is provided at AFARS PGI 5101.601-90(c)-1 .