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Change Number: 2025-0317
Effective Date: 03/17/2025

BB-200 Event Cycle 1: Management of Contracting Functions.

BB-200 Event Cycle 1: Management of Contracting Functions.

Step 1: Contracting Activity Procedures and Functions.

a. Are mission and vision statements clear and accurate?

b. Is the contracting office located at a level in the organization where undue influence will not be placed on contracting personnel (AFARS 5101.693(2)(iv))?

c. Are there current published standard operating procedures that govern operational contracting?

d. Are goals and metrics in place and routinely used to assess improvements in contracting functions?

e. Is the contracting office currently in compliance with the paperless contracting mandate for electronic transaction of requirements handoff, solicitations, proposal receipt, evaluation, awards/modifications, and payment?

f. Are procurement instrument identification number registers maintained and numbered in accordance with DFARS 204.7003?

g. Are Contracting officers distributing contracts to the applicable parties (e.g., contractor, requiring activity, transportation office, administration office, finance office, and payment office)?

h. Does the contracting function receive notification of contracting (e.g., policy) changes, and, if so, implement the changes? Does the organization have a system in place for the distribution of policy alerts?

i. Do Contracting officers have the applicable contract action thresholds before leaving to conduct contingency contracting operations?

j. Do Contracting officers have the appropriate warrant to accomplish the contingency contracting mission?

Step 2: Requiring Activity Coordination.

a. Does the contracting office establish and maintain open communications with the requiring activities, and stress the importance of developing collaborative working relationships with customers and contractors to ensure goals and objectives of the mission are met to the maximum extent practicable?

b. Does the customer have an acquisition review board in place and if so, does the Contracting officer participate in an advisory role?

c. Are requiring activities advised of the lead times necessary to initiate and complete the contractual obligation of funds or contract action?

d. Is economic purchase quantity data obtained and shared (when appropriate) with the cognizant inventory manager or with requiring activities (FAR 7.204)?

e. Is teaming a routine practice in preparing requirements packages and program strategies?

f. Are integrated product teams utilized to facilitate the decision making process whenever practical?

g. Is a process in place to promote advanced acquisition planning? Does the mechanism involve all key stakeholders, to include installation leadership, requiring activity personnel, resource managers, and contracting personnel?

h. Are requiring activities obtaining proper approvals (e.g., services contract approvals, contract or acquisition review board approvals, etc.) prior to sending the purchase request to the contracting office?

Step 3: Office Automation.

a. Is there a single point of contact and alternate in the office for managing electronic business initiatives?

b. Are procedures established regarding documentation and reporting problems with electronic business initiatives?

c. Are processes for electronic versus paper storage of contract file documentation used consistently throughout the office?

d. Are there office automation issues, which require command assistance or support?

Step 4: Staffing, Facilities, and Training.

a. Is staffing in the contracting office adequate to support the mission without excessive use of overtime or the addition of temporary employees?

b. Does the organization have a process in place for the recruitment and retention of employees with adequate skill levels?

c.Is the contracting office working environment (i.e., office space, heating, cooling, lighting, noise levels, etc.) in accordance with space management regulations?

d. Is the number and condition of office equipment (i.e., copiers, fax machines, computers, and class “A” telephone lines) adequate?

e. Are individual development plans, job descriptions, and standards current and appropriate for the mission?

f. Is training (i.e., both formal classroom training and informal on-the-job training) timely, adequate, and appropriate for the specific level of certification?

g. If in an environment where there is frequent rotation of both civilian and military personnel, are processes in place to promote continuity of contract knowledge when contract specialists or Contracting officers change?

Step 5: Contracting Reports and Reviews.

a. Is there a process in place for conducting self-assessments to include procurement reviews, contract management reviews, and management control reviews?

b. Are contract action reports (CARs) being prepared in a timely manner, verified, and submitted for each applicable contractual action via Federal Procurement Data System-Next Generation (FAR 4.6)?

c. Are DD Forms 1547, Record of Weighted Guidelines Application, prepared in a timely manner, verified, and submitted as required (DFARS 215.404-70, DFARS 215-404-71, DFARS PGI 215.404-70, DFARS PGI 215.404-71 and DFARS PGI 215.406-3(a)(10)(B))?

d. Are status reports on specified contract audit reports, required by DoD Directive 7640.2, prepared in a timely manner, verified, and submitted?

e. Are recurring reports sent to higher headquarters in a timely manner?

f. Does the organization maintain a list of reports that designates points of contact and internal due dates?

Step 6: Soci o- Economic Goals.

a. Does the contract file reflect the timely receipt, evaluation, and approval of required subcontracting plans (AFARS 5119.705-4 and AFARS Appendix DD)?

b. If required, was a DD Form 2579 Small Business Coordination Record completed and incorporated into the contract file (DFARS 219.201(d)(10)(B)?

c. Are the benefits of bundling contracts quantified and substantiated through market research (FAR 7.107, FAR 10.001, FAR 19.202-1(e)(1)(iii), and DFARS 207.170)?

d. Are notifications of the intent to bundle published on the Government point of entry 30 days prior to the release of a solicitation or 30 days prior to placing an order without a solicitation (DFARS 205.205-70)?

e. Are Contracting officers making a reasonable effort to promote socio-economic goals by adding a socio-economic factor to the source selection process, as applicable?

f. Are Contracting officers following the guidance for promoting socio-economic goals, as provided by the SCO?

Step 7: Standards of Conduct.

a. Is the required ethics training presented at least annually?

b. Are designated employees completing annual OGE Form 450s?

c. Are contractors made aware of their responsibility to maintain a suitable system of internal controls to avoid improper business practices (FAR 3.1002(b))?

d. For potential or real organizational conflicts of interest, is there a written analysis, recommended course of action, or mitigation plan (FAR 9.5, FAR 37.102(g), 37.110, 37.2 and AFARS 5109.503)? Has legal counsel conducted a review of the organizational conflict of interest determination?