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Change Number: 2025-0314
Effective Date: 03/14/2025

Subpart 5101.2 - Administration

Subpart 5101.2 - Administration

5101.290 Routing documents and mailing addresses.

(a)(1) Contracting activities will obtain either HCA or, if delegated, SCO concurrence on all procurement document packages submitted for Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) review, coordination, and/or approval. The SCO may not delegate this authority. Procurement document packages will include all reviews and coordination completed prior to submission to HQDA, including legal reviews. Unless otherwise specified in this regulation, individual and class deviations to this AFARS provision are prohibited. Send document packages via the Army’s Enterprise Task Management Software Solution (ETMS2) to the ODASA(P) directorate groups associated with the email addresses listed in AFARS 5101.290 Routing documents and mailing addresses.(b)(2)(ii)(C) (except as provided elsewhere in this regulation).

(2) The Contracting officer shall include the contract type determination required by FAR 16.103(d)(1) and 5116.103 Negotiating contract type.(d)(1) in HQDA-level approval packages that reference contract type, including the approvals required by FAR 6.304 and FAR 16.504(c)(1)(D)(1). If a written acquisition plan is required for the associated contract action, include the acquisition plan in the submission package and provide the acquisition plan citation in the applicable paragraph of the document submitted for review. If a written acquisition plan is not required, include the contract type determination from the contract file in the submission package.

(b) Frequently used addresses:

(1) For the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Procurement), use the following:

Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Procurement)


103 Army Pentagon

Room 2D528

Washington, DC 20310-0103.

(2)(i) For the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Procurement), use the following:

Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Procurement)

Zachary Taylor Building – 5th Floor

2530 Crystal Drive

Arlington, VA 22202.

The email addresses for the directorates appear in paragraph (2)(ii). Submit document packages requiring HQDA review, coordination, and/or approval via the ETMS2.

(ii) Specify the directorate and email address within paragraph (2)(i) as follows:

(A) SAAL-ZP-PP Procurement Policy,

(B) SAAL-ZP-PS Procurement Support,

(C) SAAL-ZP-PE Procurement Systems, usarmy.pentagon.hqda-asa-alt.list.saal-zp-pe@armymil.

(D) SAAL-ZP-SSM Senior Services Manager,

(E) SAAL-ZP-FSD Field Support,

(3) For the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller), use the following:

Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller)

109 Army Pentagon

Washington, DC 20310-0109.

(4) For the Office, Chief of Legislative Liaison, use the following:

The Office, Chief of Legislative Liaison (OCLL)


1600 Army Pentagon

Washington, DC 20310-1600.

(5) For the Chief, Procurement Fraud Branch, U.S. Army Legal Services Agency, use the following:

Chief, Procurement Fraud Branch

Contract and Fiscal Law Division

U.S. Army Legal Services Agency

9275 Gunston Road, BLDG 1450

Ft Belvoir, VA 22060-5546.

(6) For the Office of the Command Counsel, Headquarters, U.S. Army Materiel Command, use the following:

Office of the Command Counsel

Headquarters U.S. Army Materiel Command


4400 Martin Road

Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5340.

(7) For the U.S. Army Contracting Command, use the following:

U.S. Army Contracting Command


3334A Wells Road

Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5000.

(8) For the Directorate of Contracting, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, use the following:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Directorate of Contracting


441 G Street, N.W.

Washington, DC 20314-1000.

(9) For the Chief, Army Power Procurement Office, U.S. Army Center for Public Works, use the following:

Chief, Army Power Procurement Office

U.S. Army Center for Public Works (CECPW-C)

7701 Telegraph Road

Alexandria, VA 22315-3862.