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Part Number: 719

USAID Acquisition Regulation

Subpart 719.273—The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Mentor-Protégé Program

Subpart 719.273—The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Mentor-Protégé Program

Source: 72 FR 32543, June 13, 2007, unless otherwise noted.

719.273 The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Mentor-Protégé Program.

719.273-1 Purpose.

The USAID Mentor-Protégé Program is designed to assist small business, including veteran-owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, HUBZone, small socially and economically disadvantaged business, and women-owned small business in enhancing their capabilities to perform contracts and sub-contracts for USAID and other Federal agencies. The Mentor-Protégé Program is also designed to improve the performance of USAID contractors and subcontractors by providing developmental assistance to Protégé entities, fostering the establishment of long-term business relationships between small business and prime contractors, and increasing the overall number of small business that receive USAID contract and subcontract awards. A firm's status as a Protégé under a USAID contract shall not have an effect on the firm's eligibility to seek other prime contracts or subcontracts.

719.273-2 Definitions.

Throughout, the term “small business” includes all categories of small firms as defined by the Small Business Administration (SBA) on whose behalf the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) is chartered to advocate, including small business, small disadvantaged business, women-owned small business, veteran-owned and service-disabled veteran-owned small business and small business located in HUBZones, as those terms are defined in 13 CFR part 124. The determination of affiliation is a function of the SBA.

(a) A “Mentor” is a prime contractor that elects to promote and develop small business subcontractors by providing developmental assistance designed to enhance the business success of the Protégé.

(b) “Program” refers to the USAID Mentor-Protégé Program as described in this Chapter.

(c) “Protégé” means a small business, small disadvantaged business, women-owned small business, HUBZone small business, veteran-owned small business or service-disabled veteran owned small business that is the recipient of developmental assistance pursuant to a Mentor-Protégé Agreement.

719.273-3 Incentives for prime contractor participation.

(a) Under the Small Business Act, 15 U.S.C. 637(d)(4)(E), USAID is authorized to provide appropriate incentives to encourage subcontracting opportunities for small business consistent with the efficient and economical performance of the contract. This authority is limited to negotiated procurements. (48 CFR) FAR 19.202-1 provides additional guidance.

(b) Costs incurred by a Mentor to provide developmental assistance, as described in 719.273-8 to fulfill the terms of their agreement(s) with a Protégé firm(s), are not reimbursable as a direct cost under a USAID contract. If USAID is the mentor's responsible audit agency under (48 CFR) FAR 42.703-1, USAID will consider these costs in determining indirect cost rates. If USAID is not the responsible audit agency, mentors are encouraged to enter into an advance agreement with their responsible audit agency on the treatment of such costs when determining indirect cost rates.

(c) In addition to subparagraph (b) above, contracting officers may give Mentors evaluation credit under (48 CFR) FAR 15.101-1 considerations for subcontracts awarded pursuant to their Mentor-Protégé Agreements and their subcontracting plans. Therefore:

(1) Contracting officers may evaluate subcontracting plans containing Mentor-Protégé arrangements more favorably than subcontracting plans without Mentor-Protégé Agreements.

(2) Contracting officers may assess the prime contractor's compliance with the subcontracting plans submitted in previous contracts as a factor in evaluating past performance under (48 CFR) FAR 15.305(a)(2)(v) and determining contractor responsibility (48 CFR) 19.705-5(a)(1).

(d) OSDBU Mentoring Award. A non-monetary award will be presented annually to the Mentoring firm providing the most effective developmental support of a Protégé. The Mentor-Protégé Program Manager will recommend an award winner to the Director of the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU).

(e) OSDBU Mentor-Protégé Annual Conference. At the conclusion of each year in the Mentor-Protégé Program, Mentor firms will be invited to brief contracting officers, program leaders, office directors and other guests on Program progress.

719.273-4 Eligibility of Mentor and Protégé firms.

Eligible business entities approved as Mentors may enter into agreements (hereafter referred to as “Mentor-Protégé Agreement” or “Agreement” and explained in section 719.273-6) with eligible Protégés. Mentors provide appropriate developmental assistance to enhance the capabilities of Protégés to perform as contractors and/or subcontractors. Eligible small business entities capable of providing developmental assistance may be approved as Mentors. Protégés may participate in the Program in pursuit of a prime contract or as subcontractors under the Mentor's prime contract with the USAID, but are not required to be a subcontractor to a USAID prime contractor or be a USAID prime contractor. Notwithstanding eligibility requirements in this section, USAID reserves the right to limit the number of participants in the Program in order to insure its effective management of the Mentor-Protégé Program.

(a) Eligibility. A Mentor:

(1) May be either a large or small business entity;

(2) Must be eligible for award of Government contracts;

(3) Must be able to provide developmental assistance that will enhance the ability of Protégés to perform as prime contractors or subcontractors; and

(4) Will be encouraged to enter into arrangements with entities with which it has established business relationships.

(b) Eligibility. A Protégé:

(1) Must be a small business, veteran-owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, HUBZone, small socially and economically disadvantaged business, and women-owned small business);

(2) Must meet the size standard corresponding to the NAICS code that the Mentor prime contractor believes best describes the product or service being acquired by the subcontract; and

(3) Eligible for award of Government contracts.

(c) Protégés may have multiple Mentors. Protégés participating in Mentor-Protégé programs in addition to USAID's Program should maintain a system for preparing separate reports of Mentoring activity so that results of the USAID Program can be reported separately from any other agency program.

(d) A Protégé firm shall self-certify to a Mentor firm that it meets the requirements set forth in paragraph (b) of this section and possess related certifications granted by the Small Business Administration (e.g., HUBZone, 8(a), etc.). Mentors may rely in good faith on written representations by potential Protégés that they meet the specified eligibility requirements. HUBZone and small disadvantaged business status eligibility and documentation requirements are determined according to 13 CFR part 124.

719.273-5 Selection of Protégé firms.

(a) Mentor firms will be solely responsible for selecting Protégé firms. Mentors are encouraged to select from a broad base of small business including small disadvantaged business, women-owned small business, veteran-owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, and HUBZone firms whose core competencies support USAID's mission.

(b) Mentors may have multiple Protégés. However, to preserve the integrity of the Program and assure the quality of developmental assistance provided to Protégés, USAID reserves the right to limit the total number of Protégés participating under each Mentor firm for the Mentor-Protégé Program.

(c) The selection of Protégé firms by Mentor firms may not be protested, except that any protest regarding the size or eligibility status of an entity selected by a Mentor shall be handled in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and the Small Business Administration regulations.

719.273-6 Application process.

Entities interested in becoming a Mentor firm must apply in writing to the USAID Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) by submitting form AID 321-1 (OMB Control number 0412-0574 approved on 5/22/2007). The application shall contain the Mentor-Protégé Agreement and shall be evaluated for approval. Evaluations will consider the nature and extent of technical and managerial support as well as any proposed financial assistance in the form of equity investment, loans, joint-venture, and traditional subcontracting support. The Mentor-Protégé Agreement must contain:

(a) Names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses (if available) of Mentor and Protégé firm(s) and a point of contact for both Mentor and Protégé;

(b) A description of the developmental assistance that will be provided by the Mentor to the Protégé, including a description of the work or product contracted for (if any), a schedule for providing assistance, and criteria for evaluation of the Protégé's developmental success;

(c) A listing of the number and types of subcontracts to be awarded to the Protégé;

(d) Duration of the Agreement, including rights and responsibilities of both parties (Mentor and Protégé);

(e) Termination procedures, including procedures for the parties' voluntary withdrawal from the Program. The Agreement shall require the Mentor or the Protégé to notify the other firm in writing at least 30 days in advance of its intent to voluntarily terminate the Agreement;

(f) Procedures requiring the parties to notify OSDBU immediately upon receipt of termination notice from the other party;

(g) A plan for accomplishing the work or product contracted for should the Agreement be terminated; and

(h) Other terms and conditions, as appropriate.

719.273-7 OSDBU review of application.

(a) OSDBU will review the information to establish the Mentor and Protégé eligibility and to ensure that the information that is in section 719.273-6 is included. If the application relates to a specific contract, then OSDBU will consult with the responsible contracting officer on the adequacy of the proposed Agreement, as appropriate. OSDBU will complete its review no later than 30 calendar days after receipt of the application or after consultation with the contracting officer, whichever is later. Application for and enrollment into the Program are free and open to the public.

(b) After OSDBU completes its review and provides written approval, the Mentor may execute the Agreement and implement the developmental assistance as provided under the Agreement. OSDBU will provide a copy of the Mentor-Protégé Agreement to the USAID contracting officer for any USAID contracts affected by the Agreement.

(c) The Agreement defines the relationship between the Mentor and Protégé firms only. The Agreement itself does not create any privity of contract or contractual relationship between the Mentor and USAID nor the Protégé and USAID.

(d) If the application is disapproved, the Mentor may provide additional information for reconsideration. OSDBU will complete review of any supplemental material no later than 30 days after its receipt. Upon finding deficiencies that USAID considers correctable, OSDBU will notify the Mentor and Protégé and request correction of deficiencies to be provided within 15 days.

719.273-8 Developmental assistance.

The forms of developmental assistance a Mentor can provide to a Protégé include and are not limited to the following:

(a) Guidance relating to—

(1) Financial management;

(2) Organizational management;

(3) Overall business management/planning;

(4) Business development; and

(5) Technical assistance.

(b) Loans;

(c) Rent-free use of facilities and/or equipment;

(d) Property;

(e) Temporary assignment of personnel to a Protégé for training; and

(f) Any other types of permissible, mutually beneficial assistance.

719.273-9 Obligations under the Mentor-Protégé Program.

(a) A Mentor or Protégé may voluntarily withdraw from the Program. However, in no event shall such withdrawal impact the contractual requirements under any prime contract.

(b) Mentor and Protégé entities shall submit to the USAID Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) annual reports on progress under the Mentor-Protégé Agreement. USAID will evaluate annual reports by considering the following:

(1) Specific actions taken by the Mentor during the evaluation period to increase the participation of their Protégé(s) as suppliers to the Federal Government and to commercial entities;

(2) Specific actions taken by the Mentor during the evaluation period to develop technical and administrative expertise of a Protégé as defined in the Agreement;

(3) The extent to which the Protégé has met the developmental objectives in the Agreement;

(4) The extent to which the Mentor's participation in the Mentor-Protégé Program impacted the Protégé'(s) ability to receive contract(s) and subcontract(s) from private firms and Federal agencies other than USAID; and, if deemed necessary;

(5) Input from the Protégé on the nature of the developmental assistance provided by the Mentor.

(c) OSDBU will submit annual reports to the relevant contracting officer regarding participating prime contractor(s)' performance in the Program.

(d) Mentor and Protégé firms shall submit an evaluation to OSDBU at the conclusion of the mutually agreed upon Program period, the conclusion of the contract, or the voluntary withdrawal by either party from the Program, whichever comes first.

719.273-10 Internal controls.

(a) OSDBU will oversee the Program and will work in concert with the Mentor-Protégé Program Manager and relevant contracting officers to achieve Program objectives. OSDBU will establish internal controls as checks and balances applicable to the Program. These controls will include:

(1) Reviewing and evaluating Mentor applications for validity of the provided information;

(2) Reviewing annual progress reports submitted by Mentors and Protégés on Protégé development to measure Protégé progress against the plan submitted in the approved Agreement;

(3) Reviewing and evaluating financial reports and invoices submitted by the Mentor to verify that USAID is not charged by the Mentor for providing developmental assistance to the Protégé; and

(4) Limiting the number of participants in the Mentor-Protégé Program within a reporting period, in order to insure the effective management of the Program.

(b) USAID may rescind approval of an existing Mentor-Protégé Agreement if it determines that such action is in USAID's best interest. The rescission shall be in writing and sent to the Mentor and Protégé after approval by the Director of OSDBU. Rescission of an Agreement does not change the terms of any subcontract between the Mentor and the Protégé.

719.273-11 Solicitation provision and contract clause.

(a) The contracting officer shall insert the provision at (48 CFR) AIDAR 752.219-70 in all unrestricted solicitations exceeding $550,000 ($1,000,000 for construction) that offer subcontracting opportunities.

(b) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at (48 CFR) AIDAR 752.219-71 in all contracts where the prime contractor has signed a Mentor-Protégé Agreement with USAID.


AIDAR Appendix