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Change Number: 2024-0625
Effective Date: 06/25/2024

11.391 Part numbered items.

11.391 Part numbered items.

(a) Offers for part numbered items may be other than exactly stated in the PID due to a variety of reasons such as administrative changes, engineering changes, reverse engineering, obsolescence or manufacturing enhancements. Contracting officers shall coordinate with product specialists for the review of an offer other than exact product. The product specialist will update the Material Master in accordance with any change to part number. Solicitations and contracts shall include procurement note C01 when procuring part-numbered items.


C01 Superseded Part Numbered Items (SEP 2016)

If an item part number is superseded during the term of this contract, the contractor shall advise the contracting officer immediately upon determination. The notice shall include complete information on the superseding item form, fit, function, configuration, application, or physical nature. The contracting officer will determine whether the item is acceptable to the Government, advise the contractor within seven days, and modify the contract accordingly.


(b) Solicitations shall include procurement notes L04 and M06 when items are identified in the item description only by the name of an approved source (CAGE code), a part number, and a brief description.


L04 Offers for Part Numbered Items (SEP 2016)

(a) For part numbered items, identified in the item description only by the name of an approved source (CAGE code), a part number, and a brief description.

Exact product applies to contract line-item(s) (CLIN(s)): _____

CAGE code __________ part number ________

Alternate product – applies to CLIN(s):

CAGE code __________ part number ________

Superseding part number – applies to CLIN(s):

CAGE code __________ part number ________

Identify reason for superseding part number:

Administrative P/N change only: Yes____ No____

Minor change/No change in configuration: Yes____ No____

Previously-approved product – applies to CLIN(s): _____

Contract or Solicitation Number: ____________________

CAGE code __________ part number ________

Correction to CAGE/Part Number – applies to CLIN(s) _____

CAGE code in error/same corporation, different division Yes ___ No___

CAGE code in error/sold to different corporation Yes ___ No___

Part number not recognized Yes ___ No___

Obsolete part number Yes ___ No___

Other Yes ___ No___

(b) Exact product means a product described by the name of an approved source and its corresponding part number cited in the item description; and manufactured by, or under the direction of, that approved source. An offeror of an exact product must meet one of the descriptions below.

(1) An approved source offering its part number cited in the item description;

(2) A dealer/distributor offering the product of an approved source and part number cited in the item description;

(3) A manufacturer who produces the offered item under the direction of an approved source; and has authorization from that approved source to manufacture the item, identify it as that approved source’s name and part number, and sell the item directly to the Government.

(4) A dealer/distributor offering the product of a manufacturer that meets the description in subparagraph (3) above.

(c) Alternate product.

(1) The offeror must indicate that an alternate product is being offered if the offeror is any one of the following:

(i) An offeror who manufactures the item for an approved source cited in the item description, but does not have authorization from the approved source to identify it as the approved source part number, and sell the item directly to the Government;

(ii) A dealer/distributor offering the product of a manufacturer that meets the description in (i) above;

(iii) An offeror of a reverse-engineered product that is not cited in the item description; or

(iv) An offeror whose product does not meet the criteria of exact product, superseding product or previously approved product.

(2) An offer of an alternate product is an alternate offer.

(d) The offeror must indicate that a superseding part number is being offered if the offered item otherwise qualifies as an exact product, except that the part number cited in the item description has been superseded due to an administrative part number change with no change in configuration of the item.

(e) The offeror must indicate that a previously-approved product is being offered if the product offered has previously been delivered to the Government or otherwise previously evaluated and approved.

(f) Correction to CAGE/Part Number Cited in the Item Description

Submitted by offeror to notify the Government if there is a CAGE code error: same corporation/different division; sold to different corporation; part number not recognized; obsolete part number; other.

(g) Traceability documentation.

(1) The contracting officer may request evidence of the technical acceptability of the product offered. The evidence must be submitted within 2 days, or as otherwise specified, or the offer will not be considered.

(2) For offers of exact product, offerors other than the approved manufacturing source must retain evidence and provide the traceability evidence of the identity of the item and its manufacturing source when requested by the contracting officer.

(i) If offered item(s) are not in stock or not yet manufactured a copy of an original quotation from the approved source to the offeror identifying exact item cited in item description and a quantity sufficient to satisfy the solicitation requirement.

(ii) If offered item(s) are shipped or in stock, a copy of invoice on approved source's letterhead; or a copy of packing slip which accompanied shipment from approved source to offeror. The invoices and packing slips must identify exact item cited in item description and a quantity sufficient to satisfy the solicitation requirement.

(iii) If the offeror is an authorized dealer/distributor, or manufactures the item for an approved source, a copy of the contractual agreement with, or the express written authority of, the approved source to buy, stock, repackage, sell, or distribute the part. The agreement must specifically identify the exact item, or otherwise ensure that the offeror is authorized by the approved source to manufacture or distribute the exact item being acquired. If the agreement covers a general product line or is otherwise not product-specific, the offeror must furnish additional documentation to address the exact item being acquired.

(iv) Other verifiable information.

(3) For superseding part number, the offeror may be requested to furnish evidence to establish that there are no changes in the configuration of the part.

(4) For previously approved products, upon request of the contracting officer, the offeror must furnish the contract, solicitation, source approval request (SAR) package, or letter of approval under which the product was previously furnished or approved.

(h) Alternate offer data.

(1) The contracting officer may request drawings, specifications, or other data necessary to clearly describe the characteristics and features of an alternate offer. Data submitted shall cover design, materials, performance, function, interchangeability, inspection or testing criteria, and other characteristics of the offered product. The contracting officer may also request drawings and other data covering the design, materials, etc., of the exact product cited in the item description if the Agency does not possess data sufficient to evaluate the alternate product. The data must be submitted within 10 days, or as otherwise specified, or the offer will not be considered.

(2) If the alternate product is a reverse-engineered product, the offeror shall provide: technical documentation to establish that the offered item represents the exact item specified in the item description (i.e., invoice from an approved source or submission of samples having markings of an approved source); number of samples that were examined; the process/logic used; raw data (measurements, lab reports, test results) used to prepare drawings or specifications for the offered item; any additional evidence that indicates the reverse-engineered item will function properly in the end item; and any evidence that life cycle/reliability considerations have been analyzed.

(j) Evaluation of Alternate Offers.

If the solicitation does not provide for evaluation of alternate offers for the current procurement, the offeror may submit a request for evaluation of the alternate product’s technical acceptability for future procurements of the same item. The request for evaluation shall cite the national stock number (NSN) of the exact product and include the applicable level of technical data. The level of technical data that the Government has available for use to evaluate the acceptability of an alternate product offered, and the corresponding level of technical data that must be furnished with an offer of alternate product, will be identified in the item description and/or via correspondence with the appropriate location below.

(1) For solicitation numbers beginning with SPE7:

DLA Land and Maritime

Directorate of Procurement

Alternate Offer Monitor, BPP

Post Office (P.O.) Box 3990

Columbus, Ohio 43218-3990

(2) For solicitation numbers beginning with SPE4:

DLA Aviation

Office of the Competition Advocate

Attention: BPC

8000 Jefferson Davis Highway

Richmond, Virginia 23297-5100

(3) For solicitation numbers beginning with SPE1, SPE2, SPE3, SPE5, or SPE8:

DLA Troop Support

Attention: (see note below)

700 Robbins Avenue

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19111-5096

Note: The address (attention line) will change based on the 4th digit of the PIIN as follows:

SPE1 = Clothing and Textile (C&T)

SPE2 = Medical

SPE3 = Subsistence

SPE5 = Industrial Hardware (formerly Aviation or L&M detachments)

SPE8 = Construction and Equipment (C&E)

(4) For solicitation numbers beginning with SPRRA1 and SPRRA2:

Defense Logistics Agency – DLA Aviation

Office of the Competition Advocate

Building 5201

Redstone Arsenal, Alabama 35898

(5) For solicitation numbers beginning with SPRPA1:

DLA Philadelphia

Competition Advocate Office

700 Robbins Avenue Building 1

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19111-5098

(6) For Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM) Depot Level Repairable (DLR) - DLA Land and Maritime solicitations beginning with SPRDL1:

Defense Logistics Agency

DLR Procurement Operations - ZG

6501 East Eleven Mile Road

Warren, Michigan 48397-5000

(7) For Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM) DLR-DLA Land and Maritime solicitations beginning with SPRBL1:

Defense Logistics Agency

DLR Procurement Operations - ZL

6001 Combat Dr., Rm. C1-301

Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-1846


M06 Evaluation of Offers of Alternate Product for Part Numbered Items (SEP 2016)

Offers of alternate product will not be evaluated for the contract action if:

(1) The solicitation is automated;

(2) It does not meet the dollar threshold for savings, after an evaluation factor of $600 is applied for coordination with each ESA; or

(3) When the time proposed for award does not permit evaluation, and delay of award would adversely affect the Government.


DLAD Parts