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Change Number: 2024-0625
Effective Date: 06/25/2024

46.293 Army Aviation Critical Safety Item Production Sample Test

46.293 Army Aviation Critical Safety Item Production Sample Test

(a) The purpose of the Army Aviation Critical Safety Item (AACSI) Production Sample Test Pilot Program (AACSI pilot program) is to allow select contractors to ship the full contractual production quantity immediately upon completion of manufacturing and in advance of receiving sample test results from the engineering support activity (ESA). The pilot program is applicable to AACSIs having both First Article Test (FAT) and Production Lot Test (PLT) requirements; Government or Contractor. The contracting officer may only execute the pilot program if—

(1) after evaluation of offers, the intended awardee is an AACSI approved contractor. The AACSI approved contractor list is posted at DLA internal drive: S:\J-7\J7\AACSI Pilot Program, and

(2) the approved contractor has been waived for the FAT.

(b) The Product Item Description (PID) in solicitations and awards for each AACSI will include Standard Text Object (STO) RQ037, Army Aviation Critical Safety Item Production Sample Test Pilot Program. For manual acquisitions, the contracting officer shall confirm with the product specialist the PID contains STO RQ037 for each applicable AACSI.

(c) Contracting officer responsibilities for AACSI pilot program procurements.

(1) Pre-solicitation (applicable to manual solicitations only; automated solicitations will be pre-evaluated for AACSI Pilot Program qualifications and solicited as required). Contracting officers are to check the material master for the following requirements:

(i) Army Aviation Critical Safety Item, and

(ii) NIIN includes both a FAT and PLT requirement, Government or Contractor. If the NIIN is AACSI and includes a FAT and PLT (Government or Contractor), NIIN may qualify for the pilot program, to be determined at time of award.

(2) Solicitation (applicable to manual solicitations only; automated solicitations will be in accordance with the DLA Master Solicitation for Simplified Acquisitions).

(i) Issue solicitation with First Article Test (Government or Contractor) and Production Lot Test (Government or Contractor) requirements. Reference part 46, Quality Assurance, and local policy guidance for issuance of a solicitation having FAT and PLT requirements.

(ii) Include procurement notes E11, Army Critical Safety Item, Special Production Sample Test Pilot Program, and E12, Army Aviation Critical Safety Item Production Sample Test Pilot Program, Responsibilities of Parties, Quality Compliance/Warranty, in the solicitation.

(iv) Verify the solicitation International Commerce Terminology Terms (Incoterms) match the production line-item Incoterms; correct if necessary. If the solicitation and production line-item Incoterms do not match, the DLA Internet Bid Board System (DIBBS) will not post the solicitation.

(3) Evaluation (applicable to manual and automated solicitations)

(i) Evaluate all offers received in accordance with the solicitation, and all applicable laws, regulations, and policy.

(ii) If after evaluation of offers—

(A) The intended awardee is approved to participate in this pilot program (seelist of approved contractors DLA internal drive: S:\J-7\J7\AACSI Pilot Program); and

(B) The contractor has been granted a waiver for the FAT requirement; and

(C) The approved contractor did not take exception to procurement notes E11 and E12, the contractor is eligible to participate in the AACSI pilot program and the contracting officer may execute the pilot program.

(4) Award.

(i) If after the evaluation of offers the intended awardee is not eligible for the AACSI pilot program, the contracting officer shall process the award in accordance with the solicitation, and all applicable laws, regulations and policy for the Production Lot Test (Government or Contractor) and, if applicable, the First Article Test (Government or Contractor). Procurement Notes E11 and E12 shall not be included in the award.

(ii) If after the evaluation of offers the intended awardee is eligible for the AACSI pilot program and did not take exception to inclusion of procurement notes E11 and E12, in the award the contracting officer shall—

(A) Not include clauses, procurement notes, DAANs, CLINs, or other statements relating to the First Article Test;

(B) Include the following statement on the Continuation Page Text, “Government FAT Requirements are waived for this procurement only;”

(C) Not include clauses, procurement notes, DAANs, CLINs, or other statements relating to the Production Lot Test (Government or Contractor);

(D) Include procurement notes E11 and E12 in the award;

(E) Include CLIN, S00000115, AACSI Production Sample Test, indicating the test quantity shall be one piece, unless otherwise determined. The unit price shall be the same as the production quantity unit price. The ship date accepted by the Contracting Officer for the production quantity is the ship date to be used for the Production Sample Test piece(s); and

(F) Include the Incoterm “F” for inspection at source, acceptance at destination with the FOB point at destination.


E11 Army Aviation Critical Safety Item Production Sample Test Pilot Program (AUG 2022)

(1) The purpose of the AACSI pilot program is to allow select contractors to ship the full contractual production quantity immediately upon completion of manufacturing and in advance of receiving sample test results from the engineering support activity (ESA). The pilot program is applicable to AACSIs requiring both First Article Test (FAT) and Production Lot Test (PLT); Government or Contractor. Upon receipt of shipment from the contractor, DLA may use the production quantity to fulfill order requirements submitted by the Army in advance of receiving the sample test results.

(2) Contractors not willing to participate in the pilot program must provide in their offer to the Government a clear statement taking exception to Procurement Notes E11, Army Aviation Critical Safety Item Production Sample Test Pilot Program, and Procurement Note E12, Army Aviation Critical Safety Item Production Sample Test Pilot Program, Responsibilities of Parties for Quality Compliance/Warranty.

(3) Select contractors, having been approved for a FAT waiver, may be chosen to participate in the AACSI pilot program.

(4) If a contractor is chosen to participate in the pilot program, the resultant award—

(a) Will not include solicited procurement note E04, Production Lot Testing – Government or E03 Production Lot Testing – Contractor. This procurement note, E11, will be in effect; and

(b) Solicited PLT CLIN S00000061 (Government) or S00000062 (Contractor) will be replaced by AACSI Production Sample Test CLIN, S00000115; and

(c) Will include this procurement note, E11, Army Aviation Critical Safety Item (AACSI) Production Sample Test Pilot Program and E12, Army Aviation Critical Safety Item Production Sample Test Pilot Program, Responsibilities of Parties for Quality Compliance/Warranty.

(5) If a contractor is not selected to participate in the pilot program, the resultant award-

(a) Will include procurement note E03 or E04 as solicited; and

(b) Will include PLT CLIN S00000061 or S00000062 as solicited; and

(c) Will not include procurement note E11 and E12; and

(d) Will not include CLIN S00000115.

(6) The contractor’s offered unit price for either PLT CLIN S00000061 or S00000062 shall be the same as the production quantity unit price. If the intended awardee is selected for the pilot program, the offered unit price for either PLT CLIN S00000061 or S00000062, shall be utilized for the AACSI Production Sample Test, CLIN S00000115. The contractor’s ship date for the production lot quantities shall be the same ship date for the AACSI Production Sample Test, CLIN S00000115. The AACSI Production Sample Test is destructive, therefore the Government will not return sample(s) to the contractor.

(7) To facilitate the AACSI Production Sample Test, the engineering support activity (ESA) and/or testing facility has authority to communicate and conduct clarifications directly with contractors. If this results in necessary changes to contract requirements, the contractor shall contact the Post Award Contracting Officer or Contract Administrator (see the “Issued By” blocks on the contract award or order) for written approval. The contractor shall not act on any revisions or other changes until the Contracting Officer issues a written modification approving the proposed revision(s)/change(s).

(8) When provided by the ESA, DLA will incorporate test and/or inspection plans, to include test procedures, into its acquisition process in accordance with the Technical Data Package (TDP). In the event a test plan is developed and/or made accessible after award, DLA will forward to the contractor.

(9) At least 14 calendar days (or as otherwise specified in the contract) prior to the date when the contractor will present the production lot for selection of the AACSI Production Sample, the contractor shall provide written notice to the cognizant DCMA Quality Assurance Representative (QAR) / DCMA office advising the date of availability and requesting their presence at the contractor’s facility to facilitate the AACSI Production Sample selection. In the event DCMA fails to respond within 7 calendar days of notification, the contractor will request assistance by submitting an email to DLA Testing at email address

(10) Unless otherwise stated within the award, the DCMA QAR will select one sample, at random from the production lot(s) produced.

(11) The AACSI Production Sample destined for the testing facility must ship on the same day as the production quantity destined for a DLA depot or DLA customer. For partial shipments of the production quantity that are authorized by the DLA Contracting Officer and included in the contract, the AACSI Production Sample Test CLIN (S00000115) shall ship on the same day as the first partial shipment. For contracts that contain phased deliveries, the AACSI Production Sample Test CLIN (S00000115) shall ship on the same day as the first phased delivery shipment.

(12) DLA acceptance of the production quantities in advance of the AACSI Production Sample Test result is conditional; reference procurement note, E12, Army Aviation Critical Safety Item, Production Sample Test, Responsibilities of Parties, Quality Compliance/Warranty.

(13) Contractor responsibilities for preparing and shipping the AACSI Production Sample.

(a) The test sample must meet all requirements of the Technical Data Package (TDP) and all other contractual requirements.

(b) Ship the selected AACSI Production Sample by traceable means. On the exterior of the shipping container, by—

(i) Marking the shipment “Production Sample Test– Do Not Post To Stock,” and including “Contract Number [contractor insert] and Lot/Item Number [contractor insert];”

(ii) Placing a copy of the system of record receiving report (i.e., WAWF or DD Form 250) in accordance with DFARS Appendix F; and

(iii) Marking in accordance with MIL-STD-129 (latest revision), paragraph 5.11.

(c) Include the following interior documentation:

(i) DD Form 1222 and system of record receiving report (i.e., WAWF or DD Form 250).

(ii) A copy of contract/order.

(iii) A copy of test reports, showing actual results and tolerances specified in the technical data package.

(iv) Material and process certifications.

(v) Process operations and inspection method sheets.

(vi) Copies of drawings used to manufacture the AACSI Production Sample (proper marking to assert proprietary or other rights to restrict public disclosure is the contractor’s responsibility).

(vii) Documents required under contract deliverables requirements list.

(14) At the time of shipment, the contractor shall sign and submit copies of the DD Form 1222, system of record receiving report (i.e., WAWF or DD Form 250), and transportation tracking information to—

(a) DLA Testing at email; and

(b) The contract administrator identified on page 1, block 6, of the award document.

(15) For the AACSI Production Sample, the Government will conduct inspection at source and acceptance at destination. The FOB point is destination.

(16) Delivery. Ship samples to (unless otherwise noted in the award document):


Redstone Arsenal Technical Test Center

Cottonwood Road, Building 8022 MF 4500

Redstone Arsenal, Alabama 35898-8052

(17) The Army will notify DLA of the test results immediately upon completion by sending an email to—

(a) DLA Testing at email address; and

(b) To the contract administrator listed on page 1 of the award document (block 6). Upon DLA’s receipt of testing results, the contractor shall be advised accordingly.


E12 Army Aviation Critical Safety Item, Production Sample Test Pilot Program, Responsibilities of Parties Quality Compliance/Warranty (AUG 2022)

(1) The contractor agrees that the AACSI Production Sample item(s) shipped against this contract must successfully pass the post-production, Special Production Lot Test, or the contractor will take the actions and agree to the conditions in paragraphs (2), (3) and (4).

(2) The contractor will be notified by the DLA Contracting Officer or the DLA Post Award Administrator of an item failing the AACSI Production Sample Test. The contractor agrees to a full or partial return of the items, for either return, correction or replacement of potentially the total order quantity (regardless of the quantity returned) at the discretion of the Contracting Officer.

(3) The contractor agrees to pay all transportation charges and assume responsibility for the supplies while in transit when returned, corrected, or replaced pursuant to paragraph (2).

(4) All items corrected or furnished by the contractor in replacement are subject to the requirements of the contract, to include the warranty terms included therein and the terms of this clause, to the same extent as items initially delivered.


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