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Change Number: 2024-0625
Effective Date: 06/25/2024

9.106-2 Requests for preaward surveys (PAS).

9.106-2 Requests for preaward surveys (PAS).

(a) Requests for a formal PAS shall be forwarded to the PAS monitor. Informal PAS may be requested by telephone or email to the DCMA PAS Manager/Quality Assurance Representative (QAR). Procuring organizations that use PAS will designate an organizational element to serve as the focal point for PAS and to be the principal point of contact with PAS monitors at surveying activities. The focal point will review formal PAS requests for completeness and accuracy before forwarding these requests to surveying activities. The PAS Monitor shall:

(1) Send the completed report to the contracting officer for placement in Records Management.

(2) Send all formal PAS documentation regarding a company's quality control (if information is included in the survey results) to the product specialist.

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