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Part Number: 2933

Department of Labor Acquisition Regulation

Subpart 2933.2—Disputes and Appeals

Subpart 2933.2—Disputes and Appeals

2933.203 Applicability.

The authority of the Agency Head for action under FAR subpart 33.2 is delegated to the SPE.

2933.209 Suspected fraudulent claims.

The contracting officer must refer all matters relating to suspected fraudulent claims by a contractor under the conditions in FAR 33.209 to the Office of the Inspector General for further action or investigation.

2933.212 Contracting officer's duties upon appeal.

(a) When a notice of appeal to the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals has been received, the contracting officer must record the date of mailing (or the date of receipt if the notice was not mailed). The contracting officer must also immediately notify the Office of the Solicitor of the appeal.

(b) The contracting officer should prepare and transmit the administrative file to the Office of the Solicitor and assist the Office of the Solicitor in the defense of the appeal and related matters.