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Change Number: Change 183 GSAR Case 2022-G517
Effective Date: 07/08/2024

Subpart 508.7 - Acquisition from Nonprofit Agencies Employing People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled

Subpart 508.7 - Acquisition from Nonprofit Agencies Employing People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled

508.705 Procedures.

508.705-4 Compliance with orders.

(a)  Until all deliveries are made on a delinquent order, take one of the following actions:

(1)  For an excusable delay, extend the contract delivery schedule without obtaining consideration.

(2)  For an inexcusable delay, review and adjust contract prices following normal procedures.

(b)  If the central non-profit agency (CNA) delays acting on a request for, or refuses to grant, a purchase exception, refer the matter to the contracting director for resolution.

508.705-70 Adding items to the Procurement List.

(a)  If a CNA expresses interest in adding an item to the Procurement List, provide the CNA with both:

(1)  The most recent solicitations issued for the commodity or service.

(2)  The award price(s) for the commodity or service.

(b)  The Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled (the Committee), at the CNA’s request may assign the supply or service to the CNA for development by a workshop.

(c)  Before issuing a solicitation, ask the CNA about the status of any item in which the Committee has expressed interest.

(d)  The Committee may request that a procurement be delayed pending Committee action. The contracting activity must consult with the Office of Small Business Utilization (E) before rejecting such a request.

508.705-71 Central non-profit agency performance capability.

(a)  Include on the purchase document both the annual requirement and the estimated monthly requirement.

(b)  With the permission of the Committee, you may verify the workshop’s ability to satisfy the Government’s estimated monthly requirement by requesting a preaward survey. If the CNA cannot satisfy the Government's requirement, you may request a purchase exception only for those quantities the CNA cannot provide in a timely manner.

508.706 Purchase exceptions.

Cite CNA purchase exception numbers in solicitations and award documents.