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Change Number: NMCARS Change 18-22
Effective Date: 07/11/2022

5201.601-90 Department of the Navy authorities and responsibilities.

5201.601-90 Department of the Navy authorities and responsibilities.

(a) General. DON HCAs are responsible for establishing adequate and effective internal controls to carefully manage and closely oversee the execution of delegated contracting authority for assigned contracting mission functions. This includes proactively working with requirements and program personnel during acquisition planning to facilitate the timely submission of requirements to the appropriate contracting activity for contract action in a manner which promotes and permits maximum competition. In conjunction with executing assigned contracting missions, there are certain types of procurements for which authority resides solely with the DON HCA as described in paragraph (c) below, unless authority is delegated in writing to another DON HCA and accepted by the receiving DON HCA to execute those procurements. Delegation of DON contracting authority applies only within the DON. Requirements executed outside of the DON shall follow the appropriate governing rules/regulations/policies (e.g., The Economy Act, Assisted Acquisition, FAR Part 17). At a minimum, DON HCAs shall address the following requirements and how they will be met in the contracting activity’s procedures for delegation of contracting authority:

(1) Tracking of all contracting authority that has been delegated and any limitations on the contracting authority.

(2) Tracking of delegations received from HCAs.

(3) Ensuring contracting authority delegations are made, in writing from DON HCA to DON HCA, without power of redelegation, to include:

(A) Documenting the rationale supporting the delegation and address why the delegation is necessary for the efficient and proper administration of the receiving DON HCA’s contracting operations.

(B) The requirement that the DON HCA receiving the delegated authority affirmatively acknowledge and accept the conditions of the delegation in writing prior to exercising the delegated authority.

(C) The extent to which the HCA delegated authority may be redelegated to contracting offices not under the cognizance of the receiving HCA unless specifically requested.

(D) Ensuring the delegated contracting authority is being executed and administered in accordance with the delegation of authority and contracting regulations, rules, and procedures.

(b) HCA responsibilities and limitations. Each HCA is solely responsible for executing its delegated contracting authority for assigned acquisition programs and cognizant areas of responsibilities subject to any established limitation. An HCA has authority to procure supplies and services to support all organic requirements, such as those set forth in SECNAVINST 5400.15, unless such procurements fall within the scope of unique contracting responsibilities assigned to another HCA. See Annex 4 for STRL deviations applicable hereto.

(c) HCA unique contracting authorities. The assigned responsibilities of the DON contracting activities are as follows:

(1) Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Procurement) (DASN(P)) has the following overarching responsibilities:

(A) Serves as the principal advisor and executive agent to Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development & Acquisition (ASN(RDA)), who serves as the Navy Acquisition Executive and Senior Procurement Executive.

(B) Exercises plenary contracting authority on behalf of the Department, including approving, revising or denying DON Activity contracting responsibilities.

(C) Reviews and processes Justification and Approvals (J&As) requiring ASN(RDA) approval.

(D) Reviews and processes acquisition documents (e.g. acquisition plans, acquisition strategies for services, Determination and Findings (D&Fs)) requiring DASN(P) or higher-level approval.

(E) Approves individual and class deviations and waivers from the FAR and DFARS.

(F) Serves as the DON’s representative on the Defense Acquisition Regulations (DAR) Council and provides DON policy, guidance, oversight, and coordination for DAR Council committees and FAR teams.

(G) Serves as the DON focal point for coordination, interpretation and implementation of DOD acquisition policy, including all DOD 5000-series instructions, manuals and directives.

(H) Implements and maintains the NMCARS.

(I) Oversees, provides guidance, and conducts Procurement Performance Management Assessment Program (PPMAP) reviews and DON Peer Reviews.

(J) Executes the ASN(RDA) duties as the senior official responsible for the management of acquisition of contract services.

(K) Serves as the DON focal point for the compilation and review of the Inventory of Contracted Services.

(L) Serves as the DON lead for proposed mergers and acquisitions as well as the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States reviews.

(M) Serves as the Competition Advocate General (CAG) of the Navy and as principal advisor to the Secretary of the Navy and to ASN(RDA) for competition policy issues. The CAG is responsible for challenging barriers to competition and promoting full and open competition in the acquisition process pursuant to the Competition in Contracting Act (CICA); developing and assigning annual competition goals for the Activities; preparing an annual report addressing DON competition results; sponsoring DON acquisition achievement awards programs; and publishing long-range acquisition estimates.

(N) Serves as the DON Acquisition Ombudsman.

(O) Chairs the Navy Contract Adjustment Board in accordance with Public Law 85-804.

(P) Represents ASN(RDA) on committees and workgroups relating to acquisition, program management, contractual services and audits conducted by the Government Accountability Office, DOD Inspector General (DODIG), Naval Inspector General, and Naval Audit Service.

(Q) Advises ASN(RDA) on matters related to contractor labor relations. Develops, implements, and oversees the execution of policies and procedures on contractor labor relations.

(R) Serves as the DON focal point for industrial base policy, to include the exercise of responsibilities related to the Defense Production Act, the Defense Priorities and Allocation System, requests for special priorities assistance, and assessments of the industrial base.

(2) Installations and Logistics, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps (HQMC, I&L) is responsible for the award and administration of contracts for supplies and services to support installation and logistics requirements of the Marine Corps Operating Forces and supporting establishments.

(3) Marine Corps Systems Command (MARCORSYSCOM) is responsible for awarding and administering contracts for assigned Marine Corps programs, assigned IT systems programs or components, and relevant professional, research and engineering services, except for naval aviation programs.

(4) Military Sealift Command (MSC) is responsible for awarding and administering contracts for services of ocean-going ships, craft, floating dry docks, and other repair facilities, for purposes such as oceanographic research and survey, underwater research, cable laying, and range instrumentation;and contracts for the maintenance, conversion, and modernization of assigned vessels. MSC’s unique contracting responsibilities include contracts for services of ferries and tugs but exclude contracts for (i) pilot services and (ii) ferries and tugs used for husbanding services, including water taxi contracts awarded outside the continental United States under husbanding services contracts. MSC transportation responsibilities are identified in the Defense Transportation Regulation.

(5) Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIRSYSCOM) is responsible for awarding and administering contracts for naval aviation programs and efforts supported by the Naval Air Warfare Centers, to include relevant logistics, training and professional, research and engineering services. In addition, NAVAIRSYSCOM unique contracting responsibilities include designing, developing, procuring, and supporting naval aviation systems used by the Navy and Marine Corps.

(6) Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFACENGCOM) is responsible for awarding and administering contracts for all architect-engineer, construction, utilities, energy, facilities support, and assigned weapon and IT system programs or components associated with Navy expeditionary forces.

(i) NAVFACENGCOM’s unique contracting responsibilities include:

(A) Facility engineering and construction, including capital improvements;

(B) Utilities, including sales and privatization;

(C) Shore Energy, including renewable, conservation, Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs) and Utility Energy Service Contracts (UESCs), and sales;

(D) Environmental remediation, cultural resources (on DOD installations only), historical research, natural resources conservation studies (on and off DOD installations), execution of the Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP), delegated caretaker functions at military installations to be closed under the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990, and any amendments thereto;

(E) Public works, including maintenance of buildings, grounds, roads and other infrastructure;

(F) Guard services related to the protection and security of U.S. military installations and facilities;

(G) Anti-Terrorism Force Protection (ATFP) infrastructure (ashore);

(H) Contingency engineering, expeditionary and construction training systems and equipment;

(I) Logistics-over-the-shore, near shore, and ocean facilities infrastructure systems;

(J) Navy expeditionary equipment, infrastructure, and Information Technology (IT) related systems;

(K) Procurement and lease (over 120 days) of Navy (excludes United States Marine Corps (USMC)) civil engineer support equipment, including railway, construction and weight-handling equipment;

(L) Procurement and maintenance of automotive vehicles used by DON;

(M) Lease (over 120 days) of automotive vehicles used by DON;

(N) Construction, lease, purchase and/or installation of relocatable buildings; and

(O) DON acquisition of public utility services including, but not limited to, electricity, gas, water, sewerage, drainage, fire and police protection, street lighting and cleaning, and trash and garbage disposal.

In addition, NAVFACENGCOM is responsible for contract administration functions associated with construction work under contracts awarded by other DON contracting activities that contain any construction work.

(ii) Procedures.

(A) If an HCA other than NAVFACENGCOM intends to award a contract, and the contract scope contains any element of construction work, contracting officers shall consult with NAVFACENGCOM, as early as practicable in the acquisition planning process, to ensure HCA solicitations and contracts containing any element of construction work are properly structured, and the construction work under the contract is administered, in accordance with DON policy.

(B) NAVFACENGCOM will, upon request, assist contracting officers in determining whether the extent of construction activities to be performed under an HCA contract for supplies, equipment, services, or research and development, etc. requires a delegation of construction contracting authority from the Commander, NAVFACENGCOM (COMNAVFACENGCOM) and/or triggers the application of FAR Subpart 22.4, Labor Standards for Contracts Involving Construction. The delegation of authority is contingent on the HCA demonstrating, in a written request for authority, that contracting and technical/program personnel properly trained in construction contract administration and the labor standards applicable to construction work are available in the activity/organization.

(7) Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEASYSCOM) is responsible for awarding and administering contracts for ships and submarines, assigned weapon systems and platforms, and relevant professional, research and engineering services. NAVSEASYSCOM unique contracting responsibilities include awarding and administering contracts for construction, maintenance and modernization of ships and submarines, nuclear propulsion, water craft, submersibles, equipage for towing, diving and salvage, and University Affiliated Research Centers.

(8) Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUPSYSCOM) is responsible for awarding and administering contracts in support of assigned logistics support functions. NAVSUPSYSCOM’s unique contracting responsibilities include procuring supplies and services for all non-contracting Navyactivities, offices or commands for which no other HCA is delegated authority.

(9) Office of Naval Research (ONR) is responsible for awarding and administering contracts and other instruments for assigned DON Science and Technology (S&T) research. ONR unique contracting responsibilities include the award and administration of contracts to the Navy’s Federally Funded Research Development Center (FFRDC).

(10) Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWARSYSCOM) is responsible for awarding and administering contracts in the information dominance domain, including assigned programs in the areas of research and development, systems engineering and development, and other relevant professional services associated with production, installation and sustainment for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Systems (C4ISR); Joint Tactical Radios Systems (JTRS), Space Systems; Enterprise Information Systems (EIS); and Navy Chief Information Officer (CIO) supported information technology initiatives.

(11) Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) is responsible for awarding and administering contracts in support of the development, production, and life-cycle support of the TRIDENT Strategic Weapon System, and other assigned programs under the cognizance of the Director, SSP (DIRSSP).