5225.702 Prohibition on contracting with entities that conduct restricted business operations in Sudan.
5225.702-4 Waiver.
(b) Waivers pursuant to FAR 25.702-4(a) shall be submitted via DASN(P) by email at with the subject “[Activity Name] FAR 25.702-4(b) Waiver—Sudan.” 5225.703 Prohibition on contracting with entities that engage in certain activities or transactions relating to Iran.
5225.703-4 Waiver.
(b) Waivers pursuant to FAR 25.703-4 shall be submitted via DASN(P) by email at with the subject “[Activity Name] FAR 25.703-4 Waiver – Iran.”
5225.770 Prohibition on acquisition of certain items from Communist Chinese military companies.
5225.770-5 Waiver of prohibition.
(a) Waivers shall be submitted via DASN(P) by email at with the subject “[Activity Name] DFARS 225.770-5 Waiver - Certain Items from Communist Chinese Military Companies.”
5225.771 Prohibition on contracting or subcontracting with a firm that is owned or controlled by the government of a country that is a state sponsor of terrorism.
5225.771-3 Notification.
Submit notifications via DASN(P) by email at with the subject “[Activity Name] DFARS 225.771-3 – “State Sponsor of Terrorism Notification.”
5225.771-4 Waiver of prohibition.
Submit waivers via DASN(P) by email at with the subject “[Activity Name] DFARS 225.771-4 – “State Sponsor of Terrorism Waiver Request.”
5225.772 Prohibition on acquisition of certain foreign commercial satellite services.
5225.772 Prohibition on acquisition of certain foreign commercial satellite services.
5225.772-3 Procedures.
(b)(1) Submit disclosures via DASN(P) by email at with the subject
“[Activity Name] DFARS 225.772-3 – “Certain Foreign Commercial Satellite Services Disclosure.”
5225.772-4 Exception.
(b) Submit exception requests via DASN(P) by email at with the subject “[Activity Name] DFARS 225.772-4 – “Certain Commercial Satellite Services Exception Request.”