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Change Number: 2023-0717
Effective Date: 07/17/2023

5604.403 Responsibilities of contracting officers.

5604.403 Responsibilities of contracting officers.

(Revised July 2023)

(a) Contracting officers must insert the clause 5652.204-9001, Cognizant Security Office, when utilizing FAR 52.204-2, Security Requirements.

(b) Contracting officers shall insert the clause 5652.204-9003. Disclosure of Unclassified Information, in all USSOCOM solicitations and contracts. All requests made pursuant to this clause shall be coordinated through the Information Review and Release Tool (IR/RT) for Distribution A (IAW DoDD 5230.24) for HQ personnel. Components and TSOCs will use their local resources to achieve the same level of review.

When contracting for fundamental research with non-profits and universities, contracting officers may use a less restrictive one-time use clause in place of 5652.204-9003, after consulting with legal and in accordance with DoDD 5230.24.

(c) To ensure appropriate control of classified material within the contracting office, no foreign firm or individual will be added to any source list which may, at present or eventually, require or permit access to classified material during any phase of procurement without the written concurrence of the contracting office's servicing Security Management Office.