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Change Number: DAFAC 2024-0612
Effective Date: 06/12/2024

5301.603-3-90 Field Ordering Officer Appointments.

5301.603-3-90 Field Ordering Officer Appointments.

(a) Policy. The issuing authority (see 5301.603-1) appointing a Field Ordering Officer (FOO) will state in the appointment letter that the FOO’s authority may not be delegated further.

(b) Appointment and termination authority. An issuing authority may appoint in writing a FOO, pursuant to 5301.603-3, when the issuing authority determines that the appointment is essential for the operation of the contracting mission. The purposes for which an issuing authority may appoint a FOO are –

(1) To make purchases using imprest funds ( FAR 13.305, DFARS 213.305);

(2) To make purchases using Standard Form 44 ( FAR 13.306, DFARS 213.306);

(3) To place calls against Blanket Purchase Agreements where the agreement terms permit and provided all calls placed are within limitations specified in the agreement and FOO letter of appointment ( FAR 13.303, DFARS 213.303, DAFFARS 5313.303-5); and,

(4) To place orders against indefinite delivery contracts awarded by a contracting officer, where the contract terms permit and provided all orders placed are within limitations specified in the contract and FOO letter of appointment ( FAR 16.505, DFARS 216.505, DAFFARS 5316.505).

(c) Responsibilities of issuing authority.

(1) Training and orientation. The issuing authority will orient and instruct FOOs in person or in writing regarding –

(i) The proper procedure(s) the issuing authority will authorize the FOO to use;

(ii) The standards of conduct prescribed in the Joint Ethics Regulation ( DoD 5500.7-R) and the procurement integrity provisions at FAR 3.104; and

(iii) The preparation and submission of documentation for purchase and contract actions.

(2) Surveillance. Surveillance activities must be conducted by the issuing authority or delegated to a warranted contracting officer. Surveillance activities include:

(i) Technical supervision of FOOs;

(ii) One hundred percent (100%) surveillance on all transactions not later than 30 days after the date of the transaction, and all FOO program records no less than annually. Document inspection findings (monthly and annually) and include specific comments as to whether the FOO is –

(A) Operating within the scope and limitations of authority delegated and FAR subpart 3.1;

(B) Maintaining the standards of conduct prescribed in DoD 5500.7-R;

(C) Engaging in improper practices, including but not limited to splitting purchase transactions to avoid monetary limitations or delegating authority to others; and

(D) Submitting correct and timely documentation for reporting purposes.

(iii) Document any instances of a FOO violating limitations of appointment and not promptly correcting violations or deficiencies noted in inspections or reviews;

(iv) Terminate the FOO’s appointment when the issuing authority has lost confidence in the FOO’s ability to adhere to limitations of appointment and/or documentation requirements; and

(v) Retain copies of inspection and review findings for three years in the FOO’s and issuing authority (or warranted contracting officer, if delegated) files.

(3) Termination.

(i) A FOO’s appointment will remain in effect until the FOO leaves their position via reassignment or termination, or the issuing authority terminates the appointment.

(ii) Issuing authorities will terminate FOO appointments in writing. Issuing authorities will not revoke an ordering officer appointment retroactively.

(d) Procedures. Issuing authorities will –

(1) Appoint FOOs by a letter of appointment containing at a minimum the details prescribed at 5301.603-3(b)(1) and listing the purpose(s) for appointment (5301.603-3-90(b)), using a template substantially the same as the ones provided in the AFICC FOO Guidance, tailored to fit the circumstances of the appointment;

(2) Maintain the file of appointments;

(3) Maintain purchase and surveillance documentation;

(4) Require individuals appointed as FOOs to acknowledge receipt of their letters of appointment and/or termination in writing; and

(5) Distribute appointment and/or termination letters to FOOs, contractors, imprest fund cashiers, disbursing officers and other interested personnel as necessary.