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Change Number: DAFAC 2024-0612
Effective Date: 06/12/2024

6.3 Required Training for Designated Trainers

6.3 Required Training for Designated Trainers

6.3.1 Designated trainers must receive “Train-the-Trainer” training and be certified as source selection trainers. Periodic “Train-the-Trainer” sessions are conducted by SAF/AQCP personnel every quarter via webinar; however, this training may be conducted by any SCO-designated and experienced source selection trainer. Note that this is summary-level training designated trainers and not for use by source selection teams and other individuals to satisfy the source selection training requirements set forth in paragraph 6.4.1.

6.3.2 Training Managers/POCs must maintain a record of the source selection training provided by designated trainers, including the name of the acquisition, training date, names of individuals trained, and training provided (e.g., Phase I (Acquisition Planning) or Phase II (Source Selection Execution) training).

6.3.3 6.3.3 Designated trainers who have not participated in “Train-the-Trainer” training within a two (2) year period must be recertified. Recertification requires that the SCO confirm the individual’s continued designation as a source selection trainer and that the individual re-complete the “Train-the-Trainer” training.